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Re: "hexl-mode" bug

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: "hexl-mode" bug
Date: 13 Aug 2003 07:48:58 +0200

> From: "Warmbold, Conrad" <CWarmbold@sjm.com>
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 13:27:45 -0700
> While working, it seems as if in "hexl-mode" emacs misinterpreted some
> characters and listed characters that were altogether manifested.  I'm
> reporting this to possibly help development and/or find out if anyone else
> has had similar problems.  Please let me know...

Thanks, but this is nowhere near the information we need to
understand the bug and fix it.  Please provide more specific
information, including the version of Emacs you are using, what
characters were ``misinterpreted'' and how, and the precise recipe to
reproduce the problem.

Please read the section "Reporting Bugs" in the Emacs manual for more
details.  In particular, it describes the command `report-emacs-bug'
you should use to do that.

Thanks in advance.

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