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bug#2786: align-regexp -- no response

From: 박신일
Subject: bug#2786: align-regexp -- no response
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 22:09:55 +0900

My system: Windows Xp SP3(32bit), ntEmacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)


My file's content is like below.

Notice that the first character of the first line is a whitespace,

and the first character of the second line is not a whitespace.


 This is my text file.

This is my text file.



Aaginst this text, I gave a command.


M-x align-regexp RET


When minibuffer shows "Align regexp: ", I just struck Retern key without giving any regular _expression_.

And then Emacs doesn't response any more. Is this a bug?


Reproduction scenario

1. The first character of your file's first line begins a whitespace.

2. The first character of your file's second line begins a non-whitespace character.

3. After the M-x align-regexp command, just strike Return key without giving any regular _expression_.


Result: Emacs doesn't response any more. You should kill the process of Emacs.


Good luck to you all. Long live GNU, Linux, Emacs!!  :-)

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