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bug#2887: Suggestions for simple.el

From: Arni Magnusson
Subject: bug#2887: Suggestions for simple.el
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 00:08:46 +0000 (GMT)

Thanks Stefan, for forwarding my suggestions to emacs-devel. The discussion raised many good points. After considering the viewpoints we have heard so far, here are my (revised) opinions:


I think Emacs should provide a simple way for beginning users to have C-backspace and C-delete behave like they would expect, i.e. leaving the clipboard intact. There are different ways to provide this, using a variable and/or functions. Users should not need to write their own functions for something this fundamental.


C-k should probably be bound to this function. This would be appreciated by many `transient-mark-mode' users. I haven't used Emacs without `transient-mark-mode', but don't those people still want C-w bound to `kill-region'?


These are admittedly simple tricks of lesser importance, but anyone trying out the existing `transpose-lines' will read its documentation twice and try to master pulling lines up or down, before giving up. I find myself using these almost every day, with code, data, and config files.


You're right, it's best to avoid `goto-line'. I have reimplemented these functions (see attachment) to improve the speed. I think they bridge an obvious gap in Emacs Lisp, making it considerably easier to read and write functions that operate on buffer text.


I believe these more useful than the existing `zap-to-char', which often deletes the beginning of that important location, an opening brace or the like.


I think [ \t\r] is a good default, and if we introduce a config var (which I'm not sure is worth the trouble), there's no reason to keep the special treatment of formfeed.

I agree that hardwiring [ \t\r] works fastest and is easy to use and maintain. Attached is my proposed upgrade of this function, where cleaned lines are counted.


Vertical analog to `delete-trailing-white', which I use about as often. Anyone trying out the existing `delete-blank-lines' will wonder whether there is a keybinding to delete all blank lines, instead of just around the point.


Similar to `delete-indentation' but leaves no space between the joined lines. I find myself using these almost every day, with prose, code, data, and config files. I have bound the two functions to neighboring keybindings.


I should probably withdraw this suggestion. After seeing Drew Adam's version, I have concluded that my version is too clunky to be in simple.el, and Drew's version is too large to be in simple.el. Despite being a vertical analog to `end-of-buffer', simple.el should probably not provide this functionality.


M-l and M-u could be bound to this function. This would be appreciated by many `transient-mark-mode' users. I haven't used Emacs without `transient-mark-mode', but don't those people still want C-x C-l and C-x C-u bound to `downcase-region' and `upcase-region'?


By suggesting so many functions at once, I've taken more of your time than I should. I'm very grateful for your hard work maintaining Emacs, and discussions like this are worthwhile if they lead to improved editing efficiency for users.

The functions are all very short, very convenient in my opinion, and importantly they rhyme with functions that are already in simple.el.

This said, I think those new commands, unbound to any key, shouldn't be placed in simple.el (which is preloaded) but into some other file. I'm tempted to say "misc.el", where we could stuff any number of "commands that users might like, but for which we couldn't come up with a good key-binding".

Ooo, I'm afraid misc.el might be a regrettable move in the long run. I think descriptive package names are the way to go, as the base Emacs distribution continues to grow. Perhaps simple.el could be split into something like base-buffers.el, base-mark.el, etc. As it stands, after careful examination of the base packages, I believe my suggested functions belong in simple.el.

There are many commands in simple.el that are not bound to keys, including:

* Variations of existing bound functions
  `next-error-no-select', `previous-error-no-select'
  `newline-and-indent', `reindent-then-newline-and-indent'

* Modify buffer text
  `forward-to-indentation', `backward-to-indentation'

* Information
  `what-line', `what-cursor-position'

* Others that I have bound

My suggested commands are mainly in one category:

* Variations of existing bound functions
  `backward-delete-word', `delete-word'
  `pull-line-down', `pull-line-up'
  `zap-back-to-char', `zap-up-to-char'
  `downcase-word-or-region', `upcase-word-or-region'

* Modify buffer text

There are mainly two ways users can find out about such unbound commands: docstring cross-references, and brief entries in the Emacs/Emacs Lisp manuals. The latter manual mentions practically all commands in simple.el.

Again, my apologies for the length of this message. If any of my suggestions end up being accepted, I could add some cross-references to their docstrings.

Best regards,


Attachment: pos-at-xxx-of-line.el
Description: Text document

Attachment: unchanged.el
Description: Text document

Attachment: delete-trailing-whitespace.el.diff
Description: Text document

Attachment: delete-trailing-whitespace-suggest.el
Description: Text document

Attachment: delete-trailing-whitespace-cvs.el
Description: Text document

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