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bug#11649: 24.1.50; Some compilation woes

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: bug#11649: 24.1.50; Some compilation woes
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 18:27:03 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

Juanma Barranquero wrote:

> Autoload cookie error in progmodes/ebrowse.el:3654
> (wrong-type-argument integerp nil)

Trivially reproducible for me on GNU/Linux, using a variant of the
suggested method:

cd lisp
touch ibuf-macs.el
make autoloads

Here is a backtrace (from autoloads.el):

Generating autoloads for ibuf-macs.el...
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integerp nil)
  nthcdr(nil (defmacro* define-ibuffer-column (symbol (&key name inline props 
summarizer header-mouse-map) &rest body) "Define a column SYMBOL for use with 
`ibuffer-formats'.\n\nBODY will be called with `buffer' bound to the buffer 
object, and\n`mark' bound to the current mark on the buffer.  The original 
ibuffer\nbuffer will be bound to `ibuffer-buf'.\n\nIf NAME is given, it will be 
used as a title for the column.\nOtherwise, the title will default to a 
capitalized version of the\nSYMBOL's name.  PROPS is a plist of additional 
properties to add to\nthe text, such as `mouse-face'.  And SUMMARIZER, if 
given, is a\nfunction which will be passed a list of all the strings in its 
column;\nit should return a string to display at the bottom.\n\nIf 
HEADER-MOUSE-MAP is given, it will be used as a keymap for the\ntitle of the 
column.\n\nNote that this macro expands into a `defun' for a function 
named\nibuffer-make-column-NAME.  If INLINE is non-nil, then the form will 
be\ninlined into the compiled format versions.  This means that if you\nchange 
its definition, you should explicitly call\n`ibuffer-recompile-formats'.\n\n(fn 
SYMBOL (&key NAME INLINE PROPS SUMMARIZER) &rest BODY)" (declare (indent 
defun)) (let* ((sym (intern (concat "ibuffer-make-column-" (symbol-name 
symbol)))) (bod-1 (\` (with-current-buffer buffer (\,@ body)))) (bod (if props 
(\` (propertize (\, bod-1) (\,@ props))) bod-1))) (\` (progn (\, (if inline (\` 
(push ... ibuffer-inline-columns)) (\` (defun ... ... ...)))) (put (quote (\, 
sym)) (quote ibuffer-column-name) (\, (if (stringp name) name (capitalize 
...)))) (\, (if header-mouse-map (\` (put ... ... ...)))) (\, (if summarizer 
(\` (put ... ... ...)))) (\, (if summarizer (\` (put ... ... nil)))) 
  (let* ((macrop (memq car (quote (defmacro defmacro*)))) (name (nth 1 form)) 
(args (cl-case car ((defun defmacro defun* defmacro* 
define-overloadable-function) (nth 2 form)) ((define-skeleton) (quote 
(&optional str arg))) ((define-generic-mode define-derived-mode 
define-compilation-mode) nil) (t))) (body (nthcdr (get car (quote 
doc-string-elt)) form)) (doc (if (stringp (car body)) (pop body)))) (when 
(listp args) (setq doc (help-add-fundoc-usage doc args))) (list (quote 
autoload) (if (listp name) name (list (quote quote) name)) file doc (or (and 
(memq car (quote (define-skeleton define-derived-mode define-generic-mode 
easy-mmode-define-global-mode define-global-minor-mode 
define-globalized-minor-mode easy-mmode-define-minor-mode define-minor-mode))) 
t) (eq (car-safe (car body)) (quote interactive))) (if macrop (list (quote 
quote) (quote macro)) nil)))
  (cond ((and expansion (eq car (quote defalias))) (pcase-let* (((\` ((\, _) 
(\, _) (\, arg) \, rest)) form) ((or (and (or ... ...) (let type t)) (and (let 
fun arg) (let type nil))) arg) (lam (if (memq (car-safe fun) (quote ...)) (cadr 
fun))) ((or (\` (lambda ... \, body)) (and (let args t) (let body t))) lam) 
(doc (cond ((stringp ...) (car body)) ((stringp ...) (car rest)))) (interactive 
(pcase body ((or ... ...) t)))) (when (listp args) (setq doc 
(help-add-fundoc-usage doc args))) (\` (autoload (\, (nth 1 form)) (\, file) 
(\, doc) (\, interactive) (\, type))))) ((and expansion (memq car (quote (progn 
prog1)))) (let ((end (memq :autoload-end form))) (when end (setq form 
(copy-sequence form)) (setcdr (memq :autoload-end form) nil)) (let ((exps (delq 
nil (mapcar ... ...)))) (when exps (cons (quote progn) exps))))) ((and (memq 
car (quote (easy-mmode-define-global-mode define-global-minor-mode 
define-globalized-minor-mode defun defmacro easy-mmode-define-minor-mode 
define-minor-mode))) (setq expand (let ((load-file-name file)) (macroexpand 
form))) (memq (car expand) (quote (progn prog1 defalias)))) (make-autoload 
expand file (quote expansion))) ((memq car (quote (define-skeleton 
define-derived-mode define-compilation-mode define-generic-mode 
easy-mmode-define-global-mode define-global-minor-mode 
define-globalized-minor-mode easy-mmode-define-minor-mode define-minor-mode 
defun* defmacro* define-overloadable-function))) (let* ((macrop (memq car 
(quote (defmacro defmacro*)))) (name (nth 1 form)) (args (cl-case car ((defun 
defmacro defun* defmacro* define-overloadable-function) (nth 2 form)) 
((define-skeleton) (quote ...)) ((define-generic-mode define-derived-mode 
define-compilation-mode) nil) (t))) (body (nthcdr (get car (quote 
doc-string-elt)) form)) (doc (if (stringp (car body)) (pop body)))) (when 
(listp args) (setq doc (help-add-fundoc-usage doc args))) (list (quote 
autoload) (if (listp name) name (list (quote quote) name)) file doc (or (and 
(memq car (quote ...)) t) (eq (car-safe (car body)) (quote interactive))) (if 
macrop (list (quote quote) (quote macro)) nil)))) ((eq car (quote defclass)) 
(let ((name (nth 1 form)) (superclasses (nth 2 form)) (doc (nth 4 form))) (list 
(quote eieio-defclass-autoload) (list (quote quote) name) (list (quote quote) 
superclasses) file doc))) ((eq car (quote defcustom)) (let ((varname (car-safe 
(cdr-safe form))) (init (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe form)))) (doc (car-safe 
(cdr-safe (cdr-safe ...))))) (\` (progn (defvar (\, varname) (\, init) (\, 
doc)) (custom-autoload (quote (\, varname)) (\, file) (\, (condition-case nil 
... ...))))))) ((eq car (quote defgroup)) (let ((groupname (nth 1 form))) (\` 
(let ((loads (get ... ...))) (if (member (quote ...) loads) nil (put (quote 
...) (quote custom-loads) (cons ... loads))))))) ((and expansion (consp form)) 
form) (t nil))
  (let ((car (car-safe form)) expand) (cond ((and expansion (eq car (quote 
defalias))) (pcase-let* (((\` (... ... ... \, rest)) form) ((or (and ... ...) 
(and ... ...)) arg) (lam (if (memq ... ...) (cadr fun))) ((or (\` ...) (and ... 
...)) lam) (doc (cond (... ...) (... ...))) (interactive (pcase body (... t)))) 
(when (listp args) (setq doc (help-add-fundoc-usage doc args))) (\` (autoload 
(\, (nth 1 form)) (\, file) (\, doc) (\, interactive) (\, type))))) ((and 
expansion (memq car (quote (progn prog1)))) (let ((end (memq :autoload-end 
form))) (when end (setq form (copy-sequence form)) (setcdr (memq :autoload-end 
form) nil)) (let ((exps (delq nil ...))) (when exps (cons (quote progn) 
exps))))) ((and (memq car (quote (easy-mmode-define-global-mode 
define-global-minor-mode define-globalized-minor-mode defun defmacro 
easy-mmode-define-minor-mode define-minor-mode))) (setq expand (let 
((load-file-name file)) (macroexpand form))) (memq (car expand) (quote (progn 
prog1 defalias)))) (make-autoload expand file (quote expansion))) ((memq car 
(quote (define-skeleton define-derived-mode define-compilation-mode 
define-generic-mode easy-mmode-define-global-mode define-global-minor-mode 
define-globalized-minor-mode easy-mmode-define-minor-mode define-minor-mode 
defun* defmacro* define-overloadable-function))) (let* ((macrop (memq car 
(quote ...))) (name (nth 1 form)) (args (cl-case car (... ...) (... ...) (... 
nil) (t))) (body (nthcdr (get car ...) form)) (doc (if (stringp ...) (pop 
body)))) (when (listp args) (setq doc (help-add-fundoc-usage doc args))) (list 
(quote autoload) (if (listp name) name (list (quote quote) name)) file doc (or 
(and (memq car ...) t) (eq (car-safe ...) (quote interactive))) (if macrop 
(list (quote quote) (quote macro)) nil)))) ((eq car (quote defclass)) (let 
((name (nth 1 form)) (superclasses (nth 2 form)) (doc (nth 4 form))) (list 
(quote eieio-defclass-autoload) (list (quote quote) name) (list (quote quote) 
superclasses) file doc))) ((eq car (quote defcustom)) (let ((varname (car-safe 
(cdr-safe form))) (init (car-safe (cdr-safe ...))) (doc (car-safe (cdr-safe 
...)))) (\` (progn (defvar (\, varname) (\, init) (\, doc)) (custom-autoload 
(quote ...) (\, file) (\, ...)))))) ((eq car (quote defgroup)) (let ((groupname 
(nth 1 form))) (\` (let ((loads ...)) (if (member ... loads) nil (put ... ... 
...)))))) ((and expansion (consp form)) form) (t nil)))
  make-autoload((defmacro* define-ibuffer-column (symbol (&key name inline 
props summarizer header-mouse-map) &rest body) "Define a column SYMBOL for use 
with `ibuffer-formats'.\n\nBODY will be called with `buffer' bound to the 
buffer object, and\n`mark' bound to the current mark on the buffer.  The 
original ibuffer\nbuffer will be bound to `ibuffer-buf'.\n\nIf NAME is given, 
it will be used as a title for the column.\nOtherwise, the title will default 
to a capitalized version of the\nSYMBOL's name.  PROPS is a plist of additional 
properties to add to\nthe text, such as `mouse-face'.  And SUMMARIZER, if 
given, is a\nfunction which will be passed a list of all the strings in its 
column;\nit should return a string to display at the bottom.\n\nIf 
HEADER-MOUSE-MAP is given, it will be used as a keymap for the\ntitle of the 
column.\n\nNote that this macro expands into a `defun' for a function 
named\nibuffer-make-column-NAME.  If INLINE is non-nil, then the form will 
be\ninlined into the compiled format versions.  This means that if you\nchange 
its definition, you should explicitly call\n`ibuffer-recompile-formats'.\n\n(fn 
SYMBOL (&key NAME INLINE PROPS SUMMARIZER) &rest BODY)" (declare (indent 
defun)) (let* ((sym (intern (concat "ibuffer-make-column-" (symbol-name 
symbol)))) (bod-1 (\` (with-current-buffer buffer (\,@ body)))) (bod (if props 
(\` (propertize (\, bod-1) (\,@ props))) bod-1))) (\` (progn (\, (if inline (\` 
(push ... ibuffer-inline-columns)) (\` (defun ... ... ...)))) (put (quote (\, 
sym)) (quote ibuffer-column-name) (\, (if (stringp name) name (capitalize 
...)))) (\, (if header-mouse-map (\` (put ... ... ...)))) (\, (if summarizer 
(\` (put ... ... ...)))) (\, (if summarizer (\` (put ... ... nil)))) 
:autoload-end)))) "ibuf-macs")
  (let* ((form (prog1 (read (current-buffer)) (or (bolp) (forward-line 1)))) 
(autoload (make-autoload form load-name))) (if autoload (push (nth 1 form) 
autoloads-done) (setq autoload form)) (let ((autoload-print-form-outbuf 
(marker-buffer output-start))) (autoload-print-form autoload)))
  (closure ((ostart . 515329) (output-start . #<marker at 515329 in 
loaddefs.el>) (absfile . "/tmp/trunk/lisp/ibuf-macs.el") (otherbuf) (visited) 
(load-name . "ibuf-macs") (autoloads-done) (outfile . 
"/tmp/trunk/lisp/loaddefs.el") (outbuf . #<buffer loaddefs.el>) (file . 
"ibuf-macs.el") print-readably autoload-modified-buffers t) nil (let* ((form 
(prog1 (read (current-buffer)) (or (bolp) (forward-line 1)))) (autoload 
(make-autoload form load-name))) (if autoload (push (nth 1 form) 
autoloads-done) (setq autoload form)) (let ((autoload-print-form-outbuf 
(marker-buffer output-start))) (autoload-print-form autoload))))()
  funcall((closure ((ostart . 515329) (output-start . #<marker at 515329 in 
loaddefs.el>) (absfile . "/tmp/trunk/lisp/ibuf-macs.el") (otherbuf) (visited) 
(load-name . "ibuf-macs") (autoloads-done) (outfile . 
"/tmp/trunk/lisp/loaddefs.el") (outbuf . #<buffer loaddefs.el>) (file . 
"ibuf-macs.el") print-readably autoload-modified-buffers t) nil (let* ((form 
(prog1 (read (current-buffer)) (or (bolp) (forward-line 1)))) (autoload 
(make-autoload form load-name))) (if autoload (push (nth 1 form) 
autoloads-done) (setq autoload form)) (let ((autoload-print-form-outbuf 
(marker-buffer output-start))) (autoload-print-form autoload)))))
  (if debug-on-error (funcall body) (condition-case err (funcall body) (error 
(message "Autoload cookie error in %s:%s %S" file (count-lines (point-min) 
(point)) err))))
  (let ((body (lambda nil (let* ((form (prog1 ... ...)) (autoload 
(make-autoload form load-name))) (if autoload (push (nth 1 form) 
autoloads-done) (setq autoload form)) (let ((autoload-print-form-outbuf ...)) 
(autoload-print-form autoload)))))) (if debug-on-error (funcall body) 
(condition-case err (funcall body) (error (message "Autoload cookie error in 
%s:%s %S" file (count-lines (point-min) (point)) err)))))
  (condition-case-unless-debug err (let* ((form (prog1 (read (current-buffer)) 
(or (bolp) (forward-line 1)))) (autoload (make-autoload form load-name))) (if 
autoload (push (nth 1 form) autoloads-done) (setq autoload form)) (let 
((autoload-print-form-outbuf (marker-buffer output-start))) 
(autoload-print-form autoload))) (error (message "Autoload cookie error in 
%s:%s %S" file (count-lines (point-min) (point)) err)))
  (if (eolp) (condition-case-unless-debug err (let* ((form (prog1 (read 
(current-buffer)) (or (bolp) (forward-line 1)))) (autoload (make-autoload form 
load-name))) (if autoload (push (nth 1 form) autoloads-done) (setq autoload 
form)) (let ((autoload-print-form-outbuf (marker-buffer output-start))) 
(autoload-print-form autoload))) (error (message "Autoload cookie error in 
%s:%s %S" file (count-lines (point-min) (point)) err))) (princ 
(buffer-substring (progn (skip-chars-backward " \f ") (if (= (char-after (1+ 
...)) 32) (forward-char 1)) (point)) (progn (forward-line 1) (point))) 
(marker-buffer output-start)))
  (cond ((looking-at (regexp-quote generate-autoload-cookie)) (unless 
output-start (let ((outbuf (or (if otherbuf nil outbuf) 
(autoload-find-destination absfile load-name) (throw ... otherbuf)))) 
(with-current-buffer outbuf (setq output-start (point-marker) ostart 
(point))))) (search-forward generate-autoload-cookie) (skip-chars-forward "    
") (if (eolp) (condition-case-unless-debug err (let* ((form (prog1 ... ...)) 
(autoload (make-autoload form load-name))) (if autoload (push (nth 1 form) 
autoloads-done) (setq autoload form)) (let ((autoload-print-form-outbuf ...)) 
(autoload-print-form autoload))) (error (message "Autoload cookie error in 
%s:%s %S" file (count-lines (point-min) (point)) err))) (princ 
(buffer-substring (progn (skip-chars-backward " \f      ") (if (= ... 32) 
(forward-char 1)) (point)) (progn (forward-line 1) (point))) (marker-buffer 
output-start)))) ((looking-at ";") (forward-line 1)) (t (forward-sexp 1) 
(forward-line 1)))
  (while (not (eobp)) (skip-chars-forward "     \n\f") (cond ((looking-at 
(regexp-quote generate-autoload-cookie)) (unless output-start (let ((outbuf (or 
... ... ...))) (with-current-buffer outbuf (setq output-start (point-marker) 
ostart (point))))) (search-forward generate-autoload-cookie) 
(skip-chars-forward "       ") (if (eolp) (condition-case-unless-debug err 
(let* ((form ...) (autoload ...)) (if autoload (push ... autoloads-done) (setq 
autoload form)) (let (...) (autoload-print-form autoload))) (error (message 
"Autoload cookie error in %s:%s %S" file (count-lines ... ...) err))) (princ 
(buffer-substring (progn (skip-chars-backward " \f       ") (if ... ...) 
(point)) (progn (forward-line 1) (point))) (marker-buffer output-start)))) 
((looking-at ";") (forward-line 1)) (t (forward-sexp 1) (forward-line 1))))
  (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) 
(skip-chars-forward "   \n\f") (cond ((looking-at (regexp-quote 
generate-autoload-cookie)) (unless output-start (let ((outbuf ...)) 
(with-current-buffer outbuf (setq output-start ... ostart ...)))) 
(search-forward generate-autoload-cookie) (skip-chars-forward "   ") (if (eolp) 
(condition-case-unless-debug err (let* (... ...) (if autoload ... ...) (let ... 
...)) (error (message "Autoload cookie error in %s:%s %S" file ... err))) 
(princ (buffer-substring (progn ... ... ...) (progn ... ...)) (marker-buffer 
output-start)))) ((looking-at ";") (forward-line 1)) (t (forward-sexp 1) 
(forward-line 1)))))
  (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not 
(eobp)) (skip-chars-forward "   \n\f") (cond ((looking-at (regexp-quote 
generate-autoload-cookie)) (unless output-start (let (...) (with-current-buffer 
outbuf ...))) (search-forward generate-autoload-cookie) (skip-chars-forward "   
") (if (eolp) (condition-case-unless-debug err (let* ... ... ...) (error ...)) 
(princ (buffer-substring ... ...) (marker-buffer output-start)))) ((looking-at 
";") (forward-line 1)) (t (forward-sexp 1) (forward-line 1))))))
  (if no-update-autoloads nil (message "Generating autoloads for %s..." file) 
(setq load-name (if (stringp generated-autoload-load-name) 
generated-autoload-load-name (autoload-file-load-name absfile))) (when (and 
outfile (not (if (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt))) (equal 
(downcase outfile) (downcase (autoload-generated-file))) (equal outfile 
(autoload-generated-file))))) (setq otherbuf t)) (save-excursion 
(save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) 
(skip-chars-forward "        \n\f") (cond ((looking-at (regexp-quote 
generate-autoload-cookie)) (unless output-start (let ... ...)) (search-forward 
generate-autoload-cookie) (skip-chars-forward "  ") (if (eolp) 
(condition-case-unless-debug err ... ...) (princ ... ...))) ((looking-at ";") 
(forward-line 1)) (t (forward-sexp 1) (forward-line 1)))))) (when output-start 
(let ((secondary-autoloads-file-buf (if otherbuf (current-buffer)))) 
(with-current-buffer (marker-buffer output-start) (save-excursion (cl-assert (= 
ostart output-start)) (goto-char output-start) (let ((relfile ...)) 
(autoload-insert-section-header (marker-buffer output-start) autoloads-done 
load-name relfile (if secondary-autoloads-file-buf ... ...)) (insert ";;; 
Generated autoloads from " relfile "\n"))) (insert 
generate-autoload-section-trailer)))) (message "Generating autoloads for 
%s...done" file))
  (unless no-update-autoloads (message "Generating autoloads for %s..." file) 
(setq load-name (if (stringp generated-autoload-load-name) 
generated-autoload-load-name (autoload-file-load-name absfile))) (when (and 
outfile (not (if (memq system-type (quote (ms-dos windows-nt))) (equal 
(downcase outfile) (downcase (autoload-generated-file))) (equal outfile 
(autoload-generated-file))))) (setq otherbuf t)) (save-excursion 
(save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) 
(skip-chars-forward "        \n\f") (cond ((looking-at (regexp-quote 
generate-autoload-cookie)) (unless output-start (let ... ...)) (search-forward 
generate-autoload-cookie) (skip-chars-forward "  ") (if (eolp) 
(condition-case-unless-debug err ... ...) (princ ... ...))) ((looking-at ";") 
(forward-line 1)) (t (forward-sexp 1) (forward-line 1)))))) (when output-start 
(let ((secondary-autoloads-file-buf (if otherbuf (current-buffer)))) 
(with-current-buffer (marker-buffer output-start) (save-excursion (cl-assert (= 
ostart output-start)) (goto-char output-start) (let ((relfile ...)) 
(autoload-insert-section-header (marker-buffer output-start) autoloads-done 
load-name relfile (if secondary-autoloads-file-buf ... ...)) (insert ";;; 
Generated autoloads from " relfile "\n"))) (insert 
generate-autoload-section-trailer)))) (message "Generating autoloads for 
%s...done" file))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (or visited (autoload-find-file file))) 
(unless no-update-autoloads (message "Generating autoloads for %s..." file) 
(setq load-name (if (stringp generated-autoload-load-name) 
generated-autoload-load-name (autoload-file-load-name absfile))) (when (and 
outfile (not (if (memq system-type (quote ...)) (equal (downcase outfile) 
(downcase ...)) (equal outfile (autoload-generated-file))))) (setq otherbuf t)) 
(save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not 
(eobp)) (skip-chars-forward "     \n\f") (cond ((looking-at ...) (unless 
output-start ...) (search-forward generate-autoload-cookie) (skip-chars-forward 
"        ") (if ... ... ...)) ((looking-at ";") (forward-line 1)) (t 
(forward-sexp 1) (forward-line 1)))))) (when output-start (let 
((secondary-autoloads-file-buf (if otherbuf (current-buffer)))) 
(with-current-buffer (marker-buffer output-start) (save-excursion (cl-assert (= 
ostart output-start)) (goto-char output-start) (let (...) 
(autoload-insert-section-header ... autoloads-done load-name relfile ...) 
(insert ";;; Generated autoloads from " relfile "\n"))) (insert 
generate-autoload-section-trailer)))) (message "Generating autoloads for 
%s...done" file)) (or visited (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
  (with-current-buffer (or visited (autoload-find-file file)) (unless 
no-update-autoloads (message "Generating autoloads for %s..." file) (setq 
load-name (if (stringp generated-autoload-load-name) 
generated-autoload-load-name (autoload-file-load-name absfile))) (when (and 
outfile (not (if (memq system-type (quote ...)) (equal (downcase outfile) 
(downcase ...)) (equal outfile (autoload-generated-file))))) (setq otherbuf t)) 
(save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not 
(eobp)) (skip-chars-forward "  \n\f") (cond ((looking-at ...) (unless 
output-start ...) (search-forward generate-autoload-cookie) (skip-chars-forward 
"        ") (if ... ... ...)) ((looking-at ";") (forward-line 1)) (t 
(forward-sexp 1) (forward-line 1)))))) (when output-start (let 
((secondary-autoloads-file-buf (if otherbuf (current-buffer)))) 
(with-current-buffer (marker-buffer output-start) (save-excursion (cl-assert (= 
ostart output-start)) (goto-char output-start) (let (...) 
(autoload-insert-section-header ... autoloads-done load-name relfile ...) 
(insert ";;; Generated autoloads from " relfile "\n"))) (insert 
generate-autoload-section-trailer)))) (message "Generating autoloads for 
%s...done" file)) (or visited (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
  (let ((autoloads-done (quote nil)) load-name (print-length nil) (print-level 
nil) (print-readably t) (float-output-format nil) (visited (get-file-buffer 
file)) (otherbuf nil) (absfile (expand-file-name file)) output-start ostart) 
(with-current-buffer (or visited (autoload-find-file file)) (unless 
no-update-autoloads (message "Generating autoloads for %s..." file) (setq 
load-name (if (stringp generated-autoload-load-name) 
generated-autoload-load-name (autoload-file-load-name absfile))) (when (and 
outfile (not (if (memq system-type ...) (equal ... ...) (equal outfile ...)))) 
(setq otherbuf t)) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (skip-chars-forward "    \n\f") (cond (... ... 
... ... ...) (... ...) (t ... ...))))) (when output-start (let 
((secondary-autoloads-file-buf (if otherbuf ...))) (with-current-buffer 
(marker-buffer output-start) (save-excursion (cl-assert ...) (goto-char 
output-start) (let ... ... ...)) (insert generate-autoload-section-trailer)))) 
(message "Generating autoloads for %s...done" file)) (or visited (kill-buffer 
(current-buffer)))) (or (not output-start) otherbuf))
  (catch (quote done) (let ((autoloads-done (quote nil)) load-name 
(print-length nil) (print-level nil) (print-readably t) (float-output-format 
nil) (visited (get-file-buffer file)) (otherbuf nil) (absfile (expand-file-name 
file)) output-start ostart) (with-current-buffer (or visited 
(autoload-find-file file)) (unless no-update-autoloads (message "Generating 
autoloads for %s..." file) (setq load-name (if (stringp 
generated-autoload-load-name) generated-autoload-load-name 
(autoload-file-load-name absfile))) (when (and outfile (not (if ... ... ...))) 
(setq otherbuf t)) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (while (not ...) (skip-chars-forward "  \n\f") (cond ... ... 
...)))) (when output-start (let ((secondary-autoloads-file-buf ...)) 
(with-current-buffer (marker-buffer output-start) (save-excursion ... ... ...) 
(insert generate-autoload-section-trailer)))) (message "Generating autoloads 
for %s...done" file)) (or visited (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))) (or (not 
output-start) otherbuf)))
  autoload-generate-file-autoloads("ibuf-macs.el" #<buffer loaddefs.el> 
  (if (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer) buffer-file-name) 
(push file no-autoloads))
  (cond ((and (consp file) (stringp (car file))) (autoload-remove-section 
(match-beginning 0)) (let ((last-time (nth 4 form))) (dolist (file file) (let 
((file-time (nth 5 ...))) (when (and file-time (not ...)) (push file 
no-autoloads) (setq files (delete file files))))))) ((not (stringp file))) ((or 
(not (file-exists-p file)) (member file done) (member (expand-file-name file) 
autoload-excludes)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not 
(time-less-p (nth 4 form) (nth 5 (file-attributes file)))) nil) (t 
(autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (if 
(autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer) buffer-file-name) (push 
file no-autoloads))))
  (let* ((form (autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and 
(consp file) (stringp (car file))) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 
0)) (let ((last-time (nth 4 form))) (dolist (file file) (let ((file-time ...)) 
(when (and file-time ...) (push file no-autoloads) (setq files ...)))))) ((not 
(stringp file))) ((or (not (file-exists-p file)) (member file done) (member 
(expand-file-name file) autoload-excludes)) (autoload-remove-section 
(match-beginning 0))) ((not (time-less-p (nth 4 form) (nth 5 (file-attributes 
file)))) nil) (t (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (if 
(autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer) buffer-file-name) (push 
file no-autoloads)))) (push file done) (setq files (delete file files)))
  (while (search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t) (let* ((form 
(autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and (consp file) 
(stringp (car file))) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (let 
((last-time (nth 4 form))) (dolist (file file) (let (...) (when ... ... 
...))))) ((not (stringp file))) ((or (not (file-exists-p file)) (member file 
done) (member (expand-file-name file) autoload-excludes)) 
(autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not (time-less-p (nth 4 form) 
(nth 5 (file-attributes file)))) nil) (t (autoload-remove-section 
(match-beginning 0)) (if (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file 
(current-buffer) buffer-file-name) (push file no-autoloads)))) (push file done) 
(setq files (delete file files))))
  (save-excursion (setq files (delete (file-relative-name buffer-file-name) 
(mapcar (quote file-relative-name) files))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t) (let* ((form 
(autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and (consp file) 
(stringp (car file))) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (let 
((last-time ...)) (dolist (file file) (let ... ...)))) ((not (stringp file))) 
((or (not (file-exists-p file)) (member file done) (member (expand-file-name 
file) autoload-excludes)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not 
(time-less-p (nth 4 form) (nth 5 ...))) nil) (t (autoload-remove-section 
(match-beginning 0)) (if (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file 
(current-buffer) buffer-file-name) (push file no-autoloads)))) (push file done) 
(setq files (delete file files)))))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (autoload-find-generated-file)) 
(save-excursion (setq files (delete (file-relative-name buffer-file-name) 
(mapcar (quote file-relative-name) files))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t) (let* ((form 
(autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and (consp file) 
(stringp ...)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (let (...) (dolist 
... ...))) ((not (stringp file))) ((or (not ...) (member file done) (member ... 
autoload-excludes)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not 
(time-less-p ... ...)) nil) (t (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) 
(if (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file ... buffer-file-name) (push file 
no-autoloads)))) (push file done) (setq files (delete file files))))) (dolist 
(file files) (cond ((member (expand-file-name file) autoload-excludes) nil) 
((autoload-generate-file-autoloads file nil buffer-file-name) (push file 
no-autoloads)))) (when no-autoloads (setq no-autoloads (sort no-autoloads 
(quote string<))) (goto-char (point-max)) (search-backward "\f" nil t) 
(autoload-insert-section-header (current-buffer) nil nil no-autoloads 
this-time) (insert generate-autoload-section-trailer)) (let ((version-control 
(quote never))) (save-buffer)) (autoload-save-buffers))
  (with-current-buffer (autoload-find-generated-file) (save-excursion (setq 
files (delete (file-relative-name buffer-file-name) (mapcar (quote 
file-relative-name) files))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward 
generate-autoload-section-header nil t) (let* ((form 
(autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and (consp file) 
(stringp ...)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) (let (...) (dolist 
... ...))) ((not (stringp file))) ((or (not ...) (member file done) (member ... 
autoload-excludes)) (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))) ((not 
(time-less-p ... ...)) nil) (t (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0)) 
(if (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file ... buffer-file-name) (push file 
no-autoloads)))) (push file done) (setq files (delete file files))))) (dolist 
(file files) (cond ((member (expand-file-name file) autoload-excludes) nil) 
((autoload-generate-file-autoloads file nil buffer-file-name) (push file 
no-autoloads)))) (when no-autoloads (setq no-autoloads (sort no-autoloads 
(quote string<))) (goto-char (point-max)) (search-backward "\f" nil t) 
(autoload-insert-section-header (current-buffer) nil nil no-autoloads 
this-time) (insert generate-autoload-section-trailer)) (let ((version-control 
(quote never))) (save-buffer)) (autoload-save-buffers))
  (let* ((files-re (let ((tmp nil)) (dolist (suf (get-load-suffixes)) (unless 
(string-match "\\.elc" suf) (push suf tmp))) (concat "^[^=.].*" (regexp-opt tmp 
t) "\\'"))) (files (apply (quote nconc) (mapcar (lambda (dir) (directory-files 
(expand-file-name dir) t files-re)) dirs))) (done nil) (this-time 
(current-time)) (no-autoloads nil) (autoload-modified-buffers nil) 
(generated-autoload-file (if (called-interactively-p (quote interactive)) 
(read-file-name "Write autoload definitions to file: ") 
generated-autoload-file))) (with-current-buffer (autoload-find-generated-file) 
(save-excursion (setq files (delete (file-relative-name buffer-file-name) 
(mapcar (quote file-relative-name) files))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t) (let* ((form 
(autoload-read-section-header)) (file (nth 3 form))) (cond ((and ... ...) 
(autoload-remove-section ...) (let ... ...)) ((not ...)) ((or ... ... ...) 
(autoload-remove-section ...)) ((not ...) nil) (t (autoload-remove-section ...) 
(if ... ...))) (push file done) (setq files (delete file files))))) (dolist 
(file files) (cond ((member (expand-file-name file) autoload-excludes) nil) 
((autoload-generate-file-autoloads file nil buffer-file-name) (push file 
no-autoloads)))) (when no-autoloads (setq no-autoloads (sort no-autoloads 
(quote string<))) (goto-char (point-max)) (search-backward "\f" nil t) 
(autoload-insert-section-header (current-buffer) nil nil no-autoloads 
this-time) (insert generate-autoload-section-trailer)) (let ((version-control 
(quote never))) (save-buffer)) (autoload-save-buffers)))
  apply(update-directory-autoloads nil)
  (let ((args command-line-args-left)) (setq command-line-args-left nil) (apply 
(quote update-directory-autoloads) args))
  command-line-1(("-l" "emacs-lisp/autoload.el" "--eval" "(setq 
generated-autoload-file \"/tmp/trunk/lisp/loaddefs.el\" debug-on-error t)" "-f" 

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