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bug#21007: 25.0.50; Around advice doesn't seem to work

From: Alexis
Subject: bug#21007: 25.0.50; Around advice doesn't seem to work
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2015 17:55:19 +1000

Mark Karpov <markkarpov@openmailbox.org> writes:

Reproducible with ‘emacs -Q’:

(defun mk-anti-ido-advice (func &rest args) "Temporarily disable IDO and call function FUNC with arguments ARGS." (message "Called!")) ;; just for testing

(defun mk-disable-ido (command) "Disable IDO when command COMMAND is called." (advice-add command :around #'mk-anti-ido-advice))

(mk-disable-ido 'dired-create-directory)

Now, in description of ‘dired-create-directory’ one can see that ‘:around’ advice is registered. However, when I call ‘dired-create-directory’ either via ‘+’ keybinding or via ‘M-x dired-create-directory’, old version of the function is called. I don't see "Called!" message in the minibuffer. Is it bug or feature?

Just to be sure, have you activated/enabled the advice using `ad-activate' or `ad-enable-advice'?


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