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bug#23324: shell-resync-dirs does not handle dirs with whitespace

From: Noah Friedman
Subject: bug#23324: shell-resync-dirs does not handle dirs with whitespace
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2016 19:38:43 -0700 (PDT)

I have a fix for this, but I'd like for someone else to look over it and
perhaps sanity check it before I commit it.  Volunteers?

This is a very old limitation.

Let's say I have three directories in my shell buffer directory stack:

        /s/software/wwwroot/Java Development Kit
        /s/software/wwwroot/Perl Compatible Regular Expressions

If I run M-x shell-resync-dirs, I simply get the error:

        Couldn’t cd: (error No such directory found via CDPATH environment 

because the directory "/s/software/wwwroot/Java" doesn't exist.  The parser
considers whitespace to be a separator between directory tokens.

This version handles that case.

Diff and full function attached below.

2016-04-21  Noah Friedman  <friedman@splode.com>

        * lisp/shell.el (shell-resync-dirs): Correctly handle
        whitespace in directory names.
--- 2016-04-20--18-08-56--0c9f35a/lisp/shell.el.~1~     2016-01-01 
01:34:24.000000000 -0800
+++ 2016-04-20--18-08-56--0c9f35a/lisp/shell.el 2016-04-20 19:24:25.534756498 
@@ -985,45 +985,62 @@
       ;; If the process echoes commands, don't insert a fake command in
       ;; the buffer or it will appear twice.
       (unless comint-process-echoes
-       (insert shell-dirstack-query) (insert "\n"))
+       (insert shell-dirstack-query "\n"))
       (sit-for 0)                      ; force redisplay
       (comint-send-string proc shell-dirstack-query)
       (comint-send-string proc "\n")
       (set-marker pmark (point))
       (let ((pt (point))
-           (regexp
-            (concat
-             (if comint-process-echoes
-                 ;; Skip command echo if the process echoes
-                 (concat "\\(" (regexp-quote shell-dirstack-query) "\n\\)")
-               "\\(\\)")
-             "\\(.+\n\\)")))
+           (regexp (concat
+                     (if comint-process-echoes
+                         ;; Skip command echo if the process echoes
+                         (concat "\\(" (regexp-quote shell-dirstack-query) 
+                       "\\(\\)")
+                     "\\(.+\n\\)")))
        ;; This extra newline prevents the user's pending input from spoofing 
-       (insert "\n") (backward-char 1)
+       (insert "\n")
+        (backward-char 1)
        ;; Wait for one line.
        (while (not (looking-at regexp))
-         (accept-process-output proc)
+         (accept-process-output proc 1)
          (goto-char pt)))
-      (goto-char pmark) (delete-char 1) ; remove the extra newline
+      (goto-char pmark)
+      (delete-char 1) ; remove the extra newline
       ;; That's the dirlist. grab it & parse it.
-      (let* ((dl (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (1- (match-end 2))))
-            (dl-len (length dl))
-            (ds '())                   ; new dir stack
-            (i 0))
-       (while (< i dl-len)
-         ;; regexp = optional whitespace, (non-whitespace), optional whitespace
-         (string-match "\\s *\\(\\S +\\)\\s *" dl i) ; pick off next dir
-         (setq ds (cons (concat comint-file-name-prefix
-                                (substring dl (match-beginning 1)
-                                           (match-end 1)))
-                        ds))
-         (setq i (match-end 0)))
-       (let ((ds (nreverse ds)))
-         (with-demoted-errors "Couldn't cd: %s"
-           (shell-cd (car ds))
-           (setq shell-dirstack (cdr ds)
-                 shell-last-dir (car shell-dirstack))
-           (shell-dirstack-message)))))
+      (let* ((dls (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0) (1- 
(match-end 0))))
+             (dlsl '())
+             (pos 0)
+             (ds '()))
+        ;; Split the dirlist into whitespace and non-whitespace chunks.
+        ;; dlsl will be a reversed list of tokens.
+        (while (string-match "\\(\\S-+\\|\\s-+\\)" dls pos)
+          (push (match-string 1 dls) dlsl)
+          (setq pos (match-end 1)))
+        ;; prepend trailing entries until they form an existing directory,
+        ;; whitespace and all.  discard the next whitespace and repeat.
+        (while dlsl
+          (let ((newelt "")
+                tem1 tem2)
+            (while newelt
+              ;; We need tem1 because we don't want to prepend
+              ;; comint-file-name-prefix repeatedly into newelt via tem2.
+              (setq tem1 (pop dlsl)
+                    tem2 (concat comint-file-name-prefix tem newelt))
+              (cond ((file-directory-p tem2)
+                     (push tem2 ds)
+                     (when (string= " " (car dlsl))
+                       (pop dlsl))
+                     (setq newelt nil))
+                    (t
+                     (setq newelt (concat tem1 newelt)))))))
+        (with-demoted-errors "Couldn't cd: %s"
+          (shell-cd (car ds))
+          (setq shell-dirstack (cdr ds)
+                shell-last-dir (car shell-dirstack))
+          (shell-dirstack-message))))
     (if started-at-pmark (goto-char (marker-position pmark)))))
 ;; For your typing convenience:
(defun shell-resync-dirs ()
  "Resync the buffer's idea of the current directory stack.
This command queries the shell with the command bound to
`shell-dirstack-query' (default \"dirs\"), reads the next
line output and parses it to form the new directory stack.
DON'T issue this command unless the buffer is at a shell prompt.
Also, note that if some other subprocess decides to do output
immediately after the query, its output will be taken as the
new directory stack -- you lose.  If this happens, just do the
command again."
  (let* ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
         (pmark (process-mark proc))
         (started-at-pmark (= (point) (marker-position pmark))))
      (goto-char pmark)
      ;; If the process echoes commands, don't insert a fake command in
      ;; the buffer or it will appear twice.
      (unless comint-process-echoes
        (insert shell-dirstack-query "\n"))
      (sit-for 0)                       ; force redisplay
      (comint-send-string proc shell-dirstack-query)
      (comint-send-string proc "\n")
      (set-marker pmark (point))
      (let ((pt (point))
            (regexp (concat
                     (if comint-process-echoes
                         ;; Skip command echo if the process echoes
                         (concat "\\(" (regexp-quote shell-dirstack-query) 
        ;; This extra newline prevents the user's pending input from spoofing 
        (insert "\n")
        (backward-char 1)
        ;; Wait for one line.
        (while (not (looking-at regexp))
          (accept-process-output proc 1)
          (goto-char pt)))
      (goto-char pmark)
      (delete-char 1) ; remove the extra newline

      ;; That's the dirlist. grab it & parse it.
      (let* ((dls (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0) (1- 
(match-end 0))))
             (dlsl '())
             (pos 0)
             (ds '()))
        ;; Split the dirlist into whitespace and non-whitespace chunks.
        ;; dlsl will be a reversed list of tokens.
        (while (string-match "\\(\\S-+\\|\\s-+\\)" dls pos)
          (push (match-string 1 dls) dlsl)
          (setq pos (match-end 1)))

        ;; prepend trailing entries until they form an existing directory,
        ;; whitespace and all.  discard the next whitespace and repeat.
        (while dlsl
          (let ((newelt "")
                tem1 tem2)
            (while newelt
              ;; We need tem1 because we don't want to prepend
              ;; comint-file-name-prefix repeatedly into newelt via tem2.
              (setq tem1 (pop dlsl)
                    tem2 (concat comint-file-name-prefix tem newelt))
              (cond ((file-directory-p tem2)
                     (push tem2 ds)
                     (when (string= " " (car dlsl))
                       (pop dlsl))
                     (setq newelt nil))
                     (setq newelt (concat tem1 newelt)))))))

        (with-demoted-errors "Couldn't cd: %s"
          (shell-cd (car ds))
          (setq shell-dirstack (cdr ds)
                shell-last-dir (car shell-dirstack))
    (if started-at-pmark (goto-char (marker-position pmark)))))

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