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bug#26513: 25.2; pop-up-frames and *Completions* buffer

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#26513: 25.2; pop-up-frames and *Completions* buffer
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 16:50:33 +0200

> M-x set-variable RET pop-up-frames RET t RET
> M-x global- TAB
> The *Completions* buffer is opened in a new frame, but the cursor is in
> the frame too, so the user has to switch back to the minibuffer to
> continue typing.
> How can the user ensure that the cursor goes back to the minibuffer
> automatically?  Could the solution be documented somewhere (maybe in the
> docstring of `pop-up-frames') or could the completion code take care of
> it?

This use of *Completions* seems strange in another way: When I click on
one of the items in the *Completions* buffer or type RET on it, the
respective mode is enabled and the *Completions* frame stays around.  Is
that the desired behavior?


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