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bug#28623: 27.0.50; lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el incorrect indentation of

From: Alan Mackenzie
Subject: bug#28623: 27.0.50; lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el incorrect indentation of C++14 curly-brace initializer list
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 19:23:58 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.7.2 (2016-11-26)

Hello again, Tadeus.

On Mon, Nov 06, 2017 at 23:46:26 +0100, Tadeus Prastowo wrote:
> Hi Alan!

> On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 8:56 PM, Alan Mackenzie <acm@muc.de> wrote:
> > Hello, Tadeus.

[ .... ]

> Sorry that I did not manage to spare the last three weekends to look
> into the problem :(

> > I think I've solved this, though it's been perhaps the most difficult bug
> > in CC Mode for some years.  Each time I thought I'd nailed it, some
> > awkward test case would misbehave.

> Thank you very much for working on it.

> > Anyhow, would you please try the patch below, which should apply cleanly
> > to either the emacs-26 branch or master.  It is not finished; for example
> > I've still got to amend several comments.  Nevertheless I think it's
> > working.  I look forward to hearing of any problems which are still in
> > this patch, or of a report that it seems to be working.

> The patch applied to master cleanly.

> Against the mwe.cpp I sent the other day, the patch works fine.  But,
> it does not work with the following one:

OK.  The essential characteristic of your new file is:

   ({ {..}, ..., {...}}, { {..} .....
   l                  L

With the critical point marked, c-inside-bracelist-p had calculated a
backward search limit at position L, which was insufficient for it to
determine its brace list characteristic.

I've corrected c-inside-bracelist-p such that it now uses position l as
this limit.  I've also taken the opportunity to simplify it quite a bit.
This now appears to work.

So, thank you for taking the time to test this, and finding this further
bug.  Could I ask you, please, to try the amended patch which I include
below.  This should, again, apply cleanly to the emacs-26 branch, or
master.  It is a patch "from scratch"; it is not an incremental patch on
top of the last one.

> -- 8< ----------------------------------
> int main() {
>   /* Indentation produced by my patch the other day */
>   fn({
>       {1, 2, 3},
>       {3, 4, 5},
>       {6, 7, 8},
>     }, {
>         {1, 3},
>         {4, 5},
>         {7, 8},
>     });
>   for (const auto &v : fn({
>                            {3, 4, 5},
>                            {6, 7, 8},
>                            {9, 10, 11},
>       }, {
>           {1, 3},
>           {4, 5},
>           {7, 8},
>       })) {
>     for (const auto &a : v) {
>       std::cout << a << '\n';
>     }
>   }
>   /* End: Indentation produced by my patch the other day */

>   /* Problem observed using your patch */
>   fn({
>       {1, 2, 3},
>       {3, 4, 5},
>       {6, 7, 8},
>     }, {
>       {1, 3},
>         {4, 5},
>           {7, 8},
>             });
>   for (const auto &v : fn({
>                            {3, 4, 5},
>                            {6, 7, 8},
>                            {9, 10, 11},
>       }, {
>         {1, 3},
>           {4, 5},
>             {7, 8},
>               })) {
>     for (const auto &a : v) {
>       std::cout << a << '\n';
>     }
>   }
>   /* End: Problem observed using your patch */
> }
> -- 8< ----------------------------------

> Additionally, I would argue that compared to the one produced by my
> patch demonstrated above, the following indentation would be even
> better:
>   for (const auto &v : fn({
>         {3, 4, 5},
>         {6, 7, 8},
>         {9, 10, 11},
>       }, {
>           {1, 3},
>           {4, 5},
>           {7, 8},
>       })) {
>     for (const auto &a : v) {
>       std::cout << a << '\n';
>     }
>   }
> Please let me know what you think about that.

I think I would agree with you.  This is probably fixable by configuring
the CC Mode indentation engine, possibly by writing a Line-up function,
but I can't say for sure without looking at it more closely.

> > If you have nothing against it, I intend to put your test file (or bits
> > of it) into a new file in the CC Mode test suite.

> Yes, that is okay.

Thanks, I'll do that.

> [...]

Here's the amended patch:

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el b/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el
index 6f39cc6433..982be3bb3b 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el
@@ -10407,16 +10407,20 @@ c-backward-over-enum-header
 (defun c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist (&optional containing-sexp lim)
   ;; Point is at an open brace.  If this starts a brace list, return a list
   ;; whose car is the buffer position of the start of the construct which
-  ;; introduces the list, and whose cdr is t if we have parsed a keyword
-  ;; matching `c-opt-inexpr-brace-list-key' (e.g. Java's "new"), nil
-  ;; otherwise.  Otherwise, if point might be inside an enclosing brace list,
-  ;; return t.  If point is definitely neither at nor in a brace list, return
-  ;; nil.
+  ;; introduces the list, and whose cdr is the symbol `in-paren' if the brace
+  ;; is directly enclosed in a parenthesis form (i.e. an arglist), t if we
+  ;; have parsed a keyword matching `c-opt-inexpr-brace-list-key' (e.g. Java's
+  ;; "new"), nil otherwise.  Otherwise, if point might be inside an enclosing
+  ;; brace list, return t.  If point is definitely neither at nor in a brace
+  ;; list, return nil.
   ;; CONTAINING-SEXP is the position of the brace/paren/bracket enclosing
   ;; POINT, or nil if there is no such position, or we do not know it.  LIM is
   ;; a backward search limit.
+  ;; The determination of whether the brace starts a brace list is solely by
+  ;; the context of the brace, not by its contents.
+  ;;
   ;; Here, "brace list" does not include the body of an enum.
     (let ((start (point))
@@ -10426,17 +10430,20 @@ c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist
           (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
          (braceassignp 'dontknow)
-         inexpr-brace-list bufpos macro-start res pos after-type-id-pos)
+         inexpr-brace-list bufpos macro-start res pos after-type-id-pos
+         in-paren)
       (setq res (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim))
       ;; Checks to do only on the first sexp before the brace.
       ;; Have we a C++ initialization, without an "="?
       (if (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
-               ((and (not (eq res 0))
+               ((and (or (not (eq res 0))
+                         (eq (char-after) ?,))
                      (c-go-up-list-backward nil lim) ; FIXME!!! Check ; `lim' 
                      (eq (char-after) ?\())
-                (setq braceassignp 'c++-noassign))
+                (setq braceassignp 'c++-noassign
+                      in-paren 'in-paren))
                ((looking-at c-pre-id-bracelist-key))
                ((looking-at c-return-key))
                ((and (looking-at c-symbol-start)
@@ -10445,9 +10452,11 @@ c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist
                (t nil))
-                 ((not (eq res 0))
+                 ((or (not (eq res 0))
+                      (eq (char-after) ?,))
                   (and (c-go-up-list-backward nil lim) ; FIXME!!! Check `lim' 
-                       (eq (char-after) ?\()))
+                       (eq (char-after) ?\()
+                       (setq in-paren 'in-paren)))
                  ((looking-at c-pre-id-bracelist-key))
                  ((looking-at c-return-key))
                  (t (setq after-type-id-pos (point))
@@ -10486,7 +10495,7 @@ c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist
               (eq (char-before) ?\()))
        ;; Single identifier between '(' and '{'.  We have a bracelist.
-       (cons after-type-id-pos nil))
+       (cons after-type-id-pos 'in-paren))
        (goto-char pos)
@@ -10544,7 +10553,7 @@ c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist
          ;; We've hit the beginning of the aggregate list.
          (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
-         (cons (point) inexpr-brace-list))
+         (cons (point) (or in-paren inexpr-brace-list)))
         ((and after-type-id-pos
                 (when (eq (char-after) ?\;)
@@ -10569,7 +10578,7 @@ c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist
                           nil nil))
                    (and (consp res)
                         (eq (car res) after-type-id-pos))))))
-         (cons bufpos inexpr-brace-list))
+         (cons bufpos (or in-paren inexpr-brace-list)))
         ((eq (char-after) ?\;)
          ;; Brace lists can't contain a semicolon, so we're done.
          ;; (setq containing-sexp nil)
@@ -10593,12 +10602,16 @@ c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist
         (t t))))                       ;; The caller can go up one level.
-(defun c-inside-bracelist-p (containing-sexp paren-state)
+(defun c-inside-bracelist-p (containing-sexp paren-state accept-in-paren)
   ;; return the buffer position of the beginning of the brace list
   ;; statement if we're inside a brace list, otherwise return nil.
   ;; CONTAINING-SEXP is the buffer pos of the innermost containing
   ;; paren.  PAREN-STATE is the remainder of the state of enclosing
-  ;; braces
+  ;; braces.  ACCEPT-IN-PAREN is non-nil iff we will accept as a brace
+  ;; list a brace directly enclosed in a parenthesis.
+  ;;
+  ;; The "brace list" here is recognized solely by its context, not by
+  ;; its contents.
   ;; N.B.: This algorithm can potentially get confused by cpp macros
   ;; placed in inconvenient locations.  It's a trade-off we make for
@@ -10613,17 +10626,11 @@ c-inside-bracelist-p
    ;; this will pick up array/aggregate init lists, even if they are nested.
      (let ((bufpos t)
-          lim next-containing)
+           next-containing)
        (while (and (eq bufpos t)
         (when paren-state
-          (if (consp (car paren-state))
-              (setq lim (cdr (car paren-state))
-                    paren-state (cdr paren-state))
-            (setq lim (car paren-state)))
-          (when paren-state
-            (setq next-containing (car paren-state)
-                  paren-state (cdr paren-state))))
+          (setq next-containing (c-pull-open-brace paren-state)))
         (goto-char containing-sexp)
         (if (c-looking-at-inexpr-block next-containing next-containing)
@@ -10632,14 +10639,16 @@ c-inside-bracelist-p
             ;; containing sexp, so that c-looking-at-inexpr-block
             ;; doesn't check for an identifier before it.
             (setq bufpos nil)
-          (when (or (not (eq (char-after) ?{))
-                    (eq (setq bufpos (c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist
-                                      next-containing lim))
-                        t))
-            (setq containing-sexp next-containing
-                  lim nil
-                  next-containing nil))))
-       (and (consp bufpos) (car bufpos))))))
+          (if (not (eq (char-after) ?{))
+              (setq bufpos nil)
+            (when (eq (setq bufpos (c-looking-at-or-maybe-in-bracelist
+                                         next-containing next-containing))
+                      t)
+              (setq containing-sexp next-containing
+                    next-containing nil)))))
+       (and (consp bufpos)
+           (or accept-in-paren (not (eq (cdr bufpos) 'in-paren)))
+           (car bufpos))))))
 (defun c-looking-at-special-brace-list (&optional _lim)
   ;; If we're looking at the start of a pike-style list, i.e., `({ })',
@@ -11506,6 +11515,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
         ;; The paren state outside `containing-sexp', or at
         ;; `indent-point' if `containing-sexp' is nil.
         (paren-state (c-parse-state))
+        (state-cache (copy-tree paren-state))
         ;; There's always at most one syntactic element which got
         ;; an anchor pos.  It's stored in syntactic-relpos.
@@ -11668,7 +11678,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
               (not (c-at-vsemi-p before-ws-ip))
               (not (memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\] ?,)))
               (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
-                  (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward c-state-cache))
+                  (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward state-cache))
               (> (point)
                    ;; Ought to cache the result from the
@@ -11746,7 +11756,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
        (if containing-sexp
              (goto-char containing-sexp)
-             (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache
+             (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace state-cache
              (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
              (c-add-stmt-syntax 'case-label nil t lim paren-state))
@@ -11772,7 +11782,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
               (goto-char containing-sexp)
-              (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache
+              (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace state-cache
                 (setq tmpsymbol
@@ -11816,7 +11826,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
        (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
        (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol nil t
-                          (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+                          (c-most-enclosing-brace state-cache (point))
        (unless (eq (point) (cdr placeholder))
          (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
@@ -12239,11 +12249,11 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
            (and (eq (char-before) ?})
                   (let ((start (point)))
-                    (if (and c-state-cache
-                             (consp (car c-state-cache))
-                             (eq (cdar c-state-cache) (point)))
+                    (if (and state-cache
+                             (consp (car state-cache))
+                             (eq (cdar state-cache) (point)))
                         ;; Speed up the backward search a bit.
-                        (goto-char (caar c-state-cache)))
+                        (goto-char (caar state-cache)))
                     (c-beginning-of-decl-1 containing-sexp) ; Can't use `lim' 
                     (setq placeholder (point))
                     (if (= start (point))
@@ -12400,7 +12410,8 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
         ((and (eq char-after-ip ?{)
                 (setq placeholder (c-inside-bracelist-p (point)
-                                                        paren-state))
+                                                        paren-state
+                                                        nil))
                 (if placeholder
                     (setq tmpsymbol '(brace-list-open . inexpr-class))
                   (setq tmpsymbol '(block-open . inexpr-statement)
@@ -12482,7 +12493,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
                (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
            (goto-char placeholder))
          (c-add-stmt-syntax 'arglist-cont-nonempty (list containing-sexp) t
-                            (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+                            (c-most-enclosing-brace state-cache (point))
         ;; CASE 7G: we are looking at just a normal arglist
@@ -12523,7 +12534,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
                              (goto-char containing-sexp)
-                      (c-inside-bracelist-p containing-sexp paren-state))))
+                      (c-inside-bracelist-p containing-sexp paren-state t))))
         ;; CASE 9A: In the middle of a special brace list opener.
@@ -12571,7 +12582,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
                 (= (point) containing-sexp)))
          (if (eq (point) (c-point 'boi))
              (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-close (point))
-           (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point)))
+           (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace state-cache (point)))
            (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil nil t)
            (c-add-stmt-syntax 'brace-list-close nil t lim paren-state)))
@@ -12597,7 +12608,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
              (goto-char containing-sexp))
            (if (eq (point) (c-point 'boi))
                (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-intro (point))
-             (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point)))
+             (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace state-cache (point)))
              (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
              (c-add-stmt-syntax 'brace-list-intro nil t lim paren-state)))
@@ -12619,7 +12630,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
        ((and (not (memq char-before-ip '(?\; ?:)))
             (not (c-at-vsemi-p before-ws-ip))
             (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
-                (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward c-state-cache))
+                (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward state-cache))
             (> (point)
                  (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
@@ -12753,7 +12764,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
              (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
          (goto-char placeholder))
        (c-add-stmt-syntax 'template-args-cont (list containing-<) t
-                          (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+                          (c-most-enclosing-brace state-cache (point))
        ;; CASE 17: Statement or defun catchall.
@@ -12827,7 +12838,7 @@ c-guess-basic-syntax
            (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
            (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol nil t
-                              (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+                              (c-most-enclosing-brace state-cache (point))
            (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
                (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))

> --
> Best regards,
> Tadeus

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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