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moving thru time

From: tunlawAcademy dbaH
Subject: moving thru time
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 09:56:44 -0400 (EDT)

A great work on tar!  Even I can understand...........well, at least get
some pointers from it--I dont understand very much yet, being the 
amateur rookie bootcamper newbie that I am.  But that's L'x
(Linux).  Life is another matter.  Thanks for all your work on the 'info
tar' project.  However....

"(It is a science fiction idiom that you can move thru time as well as in

I'm not sure I understand your meaning, and I dont want to
draw any unnecessary nor unsupported suppositions or implications from
your statement.  However....

I think we can logically conclude you dont know what you're talking
about, eh?!  Rest assured, by the time I get thru you will reach a like 
conclusion concerning me, sir!  

I assume you meant a physical being such as we be cannot pass thru
time-from one point in the nonspatial continuum to another-either
'backward' or 'forward'.  I believe you are correct so far as that goes.

We are rather hobbled, as it were, by our enslavement to this present
time-world, and our relevance to it by our physical involvement in it.
We limit ourselves by our continued refusal to consider any other
alternative as a possibility, than that which we can perceive with our
five physical senses.  And consider it a fluke of personality and/or
gender to be able to discern any other dimension....'woman's intuition',
for example.  And I hasten to state that I'm not refering to clairvoyance,
necromancy, seers, telekinesis, or any other demonic or satanic
manifestations.  However....

While not refuting the fact we are rather inhibited and hindered by this
present physical body from indulging in temporal travel, yet I think we
deny ourselves an adventure of another kind by refusing to consider the
power of the mind God has given us.  A sort of 'out of body experience' is
ours to have if we but exercise our long dormant, atrophied, seldom-used
faculties, whereby we can think, reason,  consider, rationalize, imagine,
ponder, reflect, and otherwise logically conclude that we sure do waste a
multitude of talents and possibilities.  However....

We oughtn't become too smug or complacent in our newfound unpetrol-sourced
method of transport.  After all, it too is rather limited in scope and
sequence, allowing us somewhat more latitude than mere 'flights of fancy',
as it were, yet failing to give us that purchase (means or method) by
which we may accomplish what we purpose prior to the commencement of our
journey thru time.  However....

There is one distinct possibility not yet addressed.  Prayer is not the
element likely to be chosen for temporal, spatial navigation, lacking as
it does the prequisite laudatory approbation of the masses.  Yet
commendation is quickly attained, individually and collectively, once the
medium is put to use.  Prayer is like air.  Without air, and the oxygen we
derive from it to sustain our life, we would quickly die.  So it is with
prayer.  Without prayer, and the relationship which developes with
Almighty God as we communicate with Him mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually,  we quickly die.....mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

And the purposes to which we each and severally are called by God as that
which will most satisfactorily give meaning and direction to our lives,
while accomplishing His work, will be left unattended, never considered 
nor addressed by us as we pursue self-aggrandizement to the detriment of
others, our own souls, and His kingdom.  However....

All is not lost, we can know!  We celebrate Easter--Passover--as the time
God raised Jesus physically from the dead.  It is the way God has chosen
to give us hope of life beyond the grave, this side of the river.  And
while we mortal human beans may be limited in scope, sequence, and
application, in our quest for travel thru time and space, we can know that
one day we will have immortal bodies, even as Jesus has, and we shall know
the Truth and the Truth shall set us free, and whom the Son (Jesus) sets
free, shall be free indeed.  However....

I dont think we'll be wandering around heaven all day doing our own thing,
so to speak.  We will be singing praises to God and His Son-our
Savior-Jesus Christ, for all eternity.  Which, if you can imagine it, is a
very long time, donchaknow?!  The answer of course is: NO, we dont know,
nor can we imagine, life without time, being 'whelmed as we are, by the
very concept of time.  We can divide the lowly second into billionths, and
we can know that quartz resonates 200 million times per second, or
whatever, but we cant conjure up an image of eternity to save our
I believe the other 95% of our brains, or 92% in the case of the so-called
"geniuses" (Latin: 'geniusii'??), will be utilized by God for knowledge,
understanding, and wisdom.  Knowledge of Him, understanding Him, and
wisdom to know how worthy of our praise He is, in ways beyond finding out
by us mere mortals bound as we are by humanunion-made detritus, and other
earthly shackles.  However....

If you get the feeling you are missing something in your life, merely want
to debate, argue, dialogue, soliloquy, or otherwise discuss, please feel
free to contact us, in whatever way is most convenient. The topic of
choice is yours........whosoever will.......

thanks for your time!  again, I appreciate your effort on the 'info tar'
project!  think, ponder, consider, muse.  But please dont 'amuse'
'A'= against, anti; 
'muse'=consider, ponder; 
'amuse'=refusal to think....

 16 april 2.001kenn   

<tunlawAcademy dbaH>   
box 94  millersport oHIo 43046 yoosay(USA)



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