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Re: Bug#141446: gettext-el: emacs has error loading 50gettext.el (fwd)

From: Santiago Vila
Subject: Re: Bug#141446: gettext-el: emacs has error loading 50gettext.el (fwd)
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 11:50:51 +0200 (CEST)


[ Please keep the Cc: lines if possible ].
I have received the following suggestion from Daniel Quinlan to be used
as Debian startup file for emacs po-mode:

------- start of cut text --------------
(setq auto-mode-alist
      (cons '("\\.po[tx]?\\'\\|\\.po\\." . po-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(autoload 'po-mode "gettext/po-mode"
  "Major mode for translators to edit PO files" t)
(autoload 'po-find-file-coding-system "gettext/po-mode")
(if (and (boundp 'emacs-version)
         (not (string-lessp emacs-version "20")))
    (modify-coding-system-alist 'file "\\.po[tx]?\\'\\|\\.po\\."
------- end ----------------------------

I plan to use this startup file unless there is a good reason not to,
but I'm not an emacs expert, is this safe enough to be used by both emacsen?

[ emacs19 is not in Debian 3.0 (woody) anymore but people upgrading
from Debian 2.2 (potato) will find that the default startup is no
longer valid for them ].


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