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Re: Problem with NSColor/NSString initialisation

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Problem with NSColor/NSString initialisation
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 20:12:04 +0200

Adam Fedor wrote:
> I just tried your sample program and got the expected output (No
> errors). This is with all the latest CVS code installed.
> --
> Adam Fedor, Digital Optics            | Fudd's law of opposition: Push
> fedor@doc.com  http://www.doc.com     | something hard enough, and it
> fedor@gnu.org  http://www.gnustep.org | will fall over.

I installed the newest release of GNUstep and all the libraies as
recommended (Which took some time to get it working, because of the
NSProcessInfo bug introduced by Richard. For two days my SuSE Linux
2.4.0 kernel produced a segmentation fault for every GNUstep program).
Not that this is working I still get the error messages from NSColor on
the string conversion. 
The only difference I see may be in the GNUstepmake file, that I did not
include. I did compile it as a test application, so my Makefile looks
something like;



include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

# The application to be compiled

# The Objective-C source files to be compiled
cell_OBJC_FILES = cell.m

# The Resource files to be copied into the app's resources directory

-include GNUmakefile.preamble

-include GNUmakefile.local

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/test-application.make

-include GNUmakefile.postamble

Is there a problem with this, or is it in the runtime that does not
resolve the initilisation of the classes correctly.


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