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NSTextView bug?

From: Ludovic Marcotte
Subject: NSTextView bug?
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 13:35:10 -0400 (EDT)


In NSTextView: -mouseDown we have:

if (_tf.imports_graphics == YES)
   NSTextAttachment *attachment;

This is for letting the delegate takes mouse clicks on the cell
representing a NSTextAttachment object.

If imports_graphics == YES, it means that the text view *accept* dragged
files. I don't think this is related to NSTextAttachements (the API is not
clear on that).

I think the method above should look like:

if ( [_textStorage containsAttachments] )
      NSTextAttachment *attachment;

I think somebody should verify this on OPENSTEP or under MacOS-X.


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 - Gandhi

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