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Re: NSAttributedString (Foundation) bug

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: NSAttributedString (Foundation) bug
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 07:29:43 +0000

On Saturday, December 8, 2001, at 12:25 AM, Pascal Bourguignon wrote:

Ludovic Marcotte <ludovic@Sophos.ca> wrote:


In NSAttributedString: -initWithCoder we have:

          m = [m initWithString: string attributes: nil];
          [m setAttributes: attrs range: r];
          while (index < length);
              [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType: @encode(unsigned int)
                                           at: &index];

we should remove the ; after while (index < length), otherwise, it'll
endlessly loop if the attributed string has been archived with different


That kind  of bugs can be  avoided easily adopting  a style resembling
the syntax of more advanced languages like MODULA-3:

if(condition){ /* Always put the { even for only one statement !!! */

Nice try ... by demonstrably untrue.

For the case in point, a '{' *was* there, and code like 'if(condition);{some-code-here}'
is perfectly legal in C.

While I'm strongly in favour of using braces around even a single statement in any control structure, that's to improve readability and lessen the chances of mistaking each statements are associated with a conditional - not because I think it will
help me spot extra semicolons in the code (it doesn't).

We have a simple rule for GNUstep ... stick to the GNU coding standards so that everyone ifs familiar with the style (a pretty good one), and can read it easily.

Whether or not to use braces for a single statement is not covered in the GNU
coding style (I say, yes we should), but how to use them *is* -

if (condition)



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