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Re: NSSavePanel complains about .hidden

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: NSSavePanel complains about .hidden
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 15:40:04 +0200 (CEST)

> From: Nicola Pero <nicola@brainstorm.co.uk>
> Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 13:31:45 +0100 (BST)
> [...]
> But if you are writing, say, a web server which is logging carefully to
> stderr using a strict and predefined web-server specific format (possibly
> customizable by the user in configuration files), then a log message to
> standard error from the library is annyoing and unwanted.
> In the domain of unix command line tools the programmer might well need
> total control of stderr ... it *must* be possible to control this stuff,
> at least to turn it off, or filter it, or postprocess it.
> When your users are system administration / developers, then they see the
> logs to stderr; stderr is part of the user interface for them.  To use
> gnustep-base in that domain, it should be possible to have more control of
> stderr.
> NSLog() can never be turned off by the programmer, so if gnustep-base uses
> hardcoded NSLog() to just write out arbitrary messages at his will, and if
> you use gnustep-base to write your code, it's effectively impossible for
> you to control what is written to stderr.
> Which I find very limiting in a traditional command line environment.
> [...]

It should be  quite easy to add a function to  set the file descriptor
(or a  stream, which could be  a memory stream) to  which NSLog output
should be sent.

Otherwise, perhaps the carefully crafted web logs should not be output
to stderr, but to another file-descriptor...

__Pascal_Bourguignon__                   http://www.informatimago.com/
 The name is Baud,...... James Baud.

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