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NSSplitView patch

From: Enrico Sersale
Subject: NSSplitView patch
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 13:16:21 +0200 (EET)

NSSplitView is broken because, in -mouseDown:, it uses un IMP for the
delegate method -splitView:constrainSplitPosition:ofSubviewAt:  that
returns a float.

It should be declared something like:
typedef float (*floatIMP)(id, SEL, id, float, int);

Moreover, actually, the return value of the delegate method is ignored.

This patch fixes the problem.

--- NSSplitView.m       Sat Feb 15 12:49:20 2003
+++ ../../../CVS/core/gui/Source/NSSplitView.m  Thu Jan 30 06:28:18 2003
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@
   static NSRect        oldRect; //only one can be dragged at a time
   static BOOL  lit = NO;
   NSPoint      p;
-  NSPoint      costrP;
   NSEvent      *e;
   NSRect       r, r1, bigRect, vis;
   id           v = nil, prev = nil;
@@ -119,8 +118,8 @@
   BOOL          delegateConstrains = NO;
   SEL           constrainSel =
-  typedef float (*floatIMP)(id, SEL, id, float, int);
-  floatIMP           constrainImp = 0;
+  IMP           constrainImp = 0;

   /*  if there are less the two subviews, there is nothing to do */
   if (count < 2)
@@ -290,8 +289,7 @@

   if (delegateConstrains)
-      constrainImp = (floatIMP)[_delegate methodForSelector:
+      constrainImp = [_delegate methodForSelector: constrainSel];

   // user is moving the knob loop until left mouse up
@@ -306,22 +304,19 @@
              p.x = [_delegate splitView: self  constrainSplitPosition:
                               ofSubviewAt: offset];
-          costrP.y = p.y;
-          costrP.x = (*constrainImp)(_delegate, constrainSel, self, p.x,
-      }
+             (*constrainImp)(_delegate, constrainSel, self,
+                             p.x, offset);
+           }
              p.y = [_delegate splitView: self  constrainSplitPosition:
                               ofSubviewAt: offset];
-        costrP.x = p.x;
-             costrP.y = (*constrainImp)(_delegate, constrainSel, self,
p.y, offset);
+             (*constrainImp)(_delegate, constrainSel, self,
+                             p.y, offset);
-       } else {
-    costrP.x = p.x;
-    costrP.y = p.y;
-  }
+       }

       if (_isVertical == NO)
@@ -541,7 +536,7 @@
   r = [prev frame];
   if (_isVertical == NO)
-      r.size.height = costrP.y - NSMinY(bigRect) - (divVertical/2.);
+      r.size.height = p.y - NSMinY(bigRect) - (divVertical/2.);
       if (NSHeight(r) < 1.)
          r.size.height = 1.;
@@ -549,7 +544,7 @@
-      r.size.width = costrP.x - NSMinX(bigRect) - (divHorizontal/2.);
+      r.size.width = p.x - NSMinX(bigRect) - (divHorizontal/2.);
       if (NSWidth(r) < 1.)
          r.size.width = 1.;
@@ -562,7 +557,7 @@
   r1 = [v frame];
   if (_isVertical == NO)
-      r1.origin.y = costrP.y + (divVertical/2.);
+      r1.origin.y = p.y + (divVertical/2.);
       if (NSMinY(r1) < 0.)
          r1.origin.y = 0.;
@@ -575,7 +570,7 @@
-      r1.origin.x = costrP.x + (divHorizontal/2.);
+      r1.origin.x = p.x + (divHorizontal/2.);
       if (NSMinX(r1) < 0.)
          r1.origin.x = 0.;

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