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[PATCH] NSMenu patch version 2.

From: Willem Rein Oudshoorn
Subject: [PATCH] NSMenu patch version 2.
Date: 06 Mar 2003 16:29:45 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

This is the rewritten NSMenu patch.  It fixes

#100248 - Ghost menu
#101875 - Menu flickering
#101877 - Menu does not move down
#101880 - popupbutton does not scroll 

It should also behave correctly with respect to highlighting
and opening closing menus.   (Correct means, as I understood
it is supposed to work.)

Besides bug fixes the main changes are:

* Added a NSMenuView protocol for the menu representation

  Tried to achieve cleaner seperation between NSMenu and
  the NSMenuView.  This can be used to implement
  horizontal menus without cluttering the NSMenuView as it
  is now.    

  I think it is better this way, but the limited API
  between NSMenu and NSMenuView makes it a little difficult
  to achieve nice menu behaviour.

  As it is now the current NSMenuView should be mixable with
  other implementations of the NSMenuView protocol.  But
  this has not been tested.

* Moved TitleView to the NSMenuView

  I think displaying the title of the menu is part of the
  responsibility of the NSMenuView instead of the NSMenu.

* Added documentation to the NSMenu and NSMenuView.

  Although not completely finished it is, hopefully, better
  than it was.

Wim Oudshoorn.

[ChangeLog, is also included in the patch]

2003-03-06  Willem Rein Oudshoorn  <woudshoo@xs4all.nl>

        * Source/NSMenuView.m: Added NSMenuTitleView (moved
        from NSMenu).
        ([NSMenuView -detachSubmenu]): Removed setting highlighting.
        ([NSMenuView -attachSubmenuForItemAtIndex:]) added logging.
        ([NSMenuView -update]): Handle _titleView.
        ([NSMenuView -sizeToFit]): Take titleView into account
        ([NSMenuView -performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:]): 
        restore old highlighting.
        ([NSMenuView -trackWithEvent:]): Rewritten.
        ([NSMenuView -mouseDown:]): Only restore menu position
        when needed.
        ([NSMenuView -rightMouseDown:theEvent]): On menus treat
        as ordinary mouse down to avoid rightclick menus on menus.

        * Source/NSMenu.m (NSView): Moved NSMenuWindowTitleView to
        NSMenuView.  Added comments. Added -_updateUserDefaults:,
        -_menuMoved: methods to track moving menus.
        Renamed -_setTornOff:  to -setTornOff:, -isFollowTransient to
        ([NSMenu -initWithTitle:]): Remove some old comments, remove
        reference to titleView, listen to window move notification and
        enqueued move notification.
        ([NSMenu -attachedMenu]): Adjusted for renamed ivar.
        ([NSMenu -sizeToFit]): Remove references to titleView
        ([NSMenu -setTornOff:]): Remove references to titleView,
        call update to NSMenuView instead.  
        ([NSMenu -isPartlyOffScreen]): Do not depend in removed ivar.
        ([NSMenu -_performMenuClose:]): adjust to renamed methods, will
        force synchronization of userdefaults.
        ([NSMenu -displayTransient]): Removed references to _titleView,
        remember the highlighted index to restore with -closeTransient.
        ([NSMenu -close]): remove references to _titleview, use methods instead
        of relying on ivars. added call to update on menu representation.
        ([NSMenu -closeTransient]): Remove references to _titleView, restore
        highlighted index. Call update on menu representantation.
        ([NSMenu -shiftOnScreen]): Rewrote to move in x and y direction
        ([NSMenuWindowTitleView -acceptsFirstMouse:]): Removed useless 
        code to set menuview for itemCells.

        * Headers/gnustep/gui/NSMenuView.h: added ivar _titleView.
        (moved from NSMenu). 

        * Headers/gnustep/gui/NSMenu.h: Added NSMenuView protocol,
        added documentation to NSMenu class.  
        (MSMenu): Removed ivar _titleView, _isPartlyOffScreen, added
        ivar _oldHighlightedIndex.  Renamed method -isFollowTransient to
        -isTransient. Removed method -nestedCheckOffScreen

Attachment: NSMenu-patch.diff.bz2
Description: NSMenu patch

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