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[PATCH] NSSlider event handling

From: Michael Hanni
Subject: [PATCH] NSSlider event handling
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 00:40:37 -0700 (PDT)


Another 2 minute hack. :-)

Here is a patch that modifies the trackKnob: method in NSSlider to use Alex's
event loop. The results are quite nice, as the knob stays with the mouse with
very little or no jumping. However, and this may be a big however, when you use
a continous slider the update of the values is a little slower (it is sends
fewer actions to its target.) It does get the last value correct though, so
thats good.

2003-04-06  Michael Hanni   <michael@deviant-behavior.com>

        * Source/NSSlider.m: (trackKnob:) implement a faster event loop from


Attachment: NSSlider.patch
Description: NSSlider.patch

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