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new Category Bug?

From: Stefan Böhringer
Subject: new Category Bug?
Date: 19 Aug 2003 13:09:59 +0200

In a recent cvs snapshot I experience the following exception:

[pingu@hgX zillion]$ ./shared_debug_obj/zillionLoader
./shared_debug_obj/zillionLoader: Uncaught exception
NSInvalidArgumentException, reason: _NSConcreteProcessInfo(instance)
does not recognize getOptionsFromSpecification:defaults:

The named method is declared and implemented in a Category of
NSProcessInfo. Does anybody see similar problems?
[this is with a snapshot as of now [19.8./13:00] as well as with a
snapshot from last week; I cannot go back further on account of needed
bug fixes; gcc 3.2.1]

Thanks, Stefan

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