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[patch #3487] NSProgressIndicator - support for indeterminate and spinni

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: [patch #3487] NSProgressIndicator - support for indeterminate and spinning indicators
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 08:51:28 -0500
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 of the project: GNUstep.

[patch #3487] Latest Modifications:

Changes by: 
                Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer@gmx.de>
                Mon 01.11.2004 at 13:45 (GMT)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
I like that patch, as it follows very closly the way I wanted this class to get 
implemented :-)
Would you mind to assign the copyright for the images to the FSF?
I think for the code itself we don't need such an assignment, as this is rather 
One question: Are you very sure that spinning progress indicaters never get a 
bezel border? If not, I would just reorder the code in drawRect: a bit.

[patch #3487] Full Item Snapshot:

URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/patch/?func=detailitem&item_id=3487>
Project: GNUstep
Submitted by: 0
On: Son 31.10.2004 at 20:18

Category:  AppKit
Priority:  5 - Normal
Resolution:  None
Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  witness_dot_of_dot_teachtext_at_gmx_net
Status:  Open

Summary:  NSProgressIndicator - support for indeterminate and spinning 

Original Submission:  Indeterminate indicators weren't implemented yet. I've 
coded them using NSColor colorWithPatternImage:. I've also added support for 
indicator styles, in particular the "spinning" style MacOS X has. It also uses 
graphics for its animation.
The images aren't too good, I tried to keep them small and with few colors. 
AFAIK GNUstep has some nice "spinning" images.

Follow-up Comments

Date: Mon 01.11.2004 at 13:45       By: Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer>
I like that patch, as it follows very closly the way I wanted this class to get 
implemented :-)
Would you mind to assign the copyright for the images to the FSF?
I think for the code itself we don't need such an assignment, as this is rather 
One question: Are you very sure that spinning progress indicaters never get a 
bezel border? If not, I would just reorder the code in drawRect: a bit.

File Attachments

Date: Son 31.10.2004 at 20:18  Name: GS_NSProgresIndie.zip  Size: 16,36KB   By: 
NSProgressIndicator.h, NSProgressIndicator.m and some needed image files.

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