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Re: NSBitmapImageRep

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: NSBitmapImageRep
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 08:36:26 -0700

This looks great. Thanks! Although it's getting to big to just include without a copyright assignment. Would you be willing to sign one to give the copyright for this to GNUstep?

http://www.gnustep.org/resources/documentation/User/GNUstep/ faq_1.html#SEC20

Let me know if you have more questions.

On Oct 30, 2006, at 1:02 AM, Mark Tracy wrote:

I noticed while porting my chromatogram viewer from Mac to GNUstep that NSBitmapImageRep -representationUsingType:properties: didn't do anything. I thought I would try to get it working. This patch is a beginning on that. At the moment, it only supports NSTIFFFileType, but stubs for PNG, GIF and JPEG now exist. Along the way, I implemented a few TODO and FIXME items.

As I have time and energy, I will work on adding the real support for the other formats. If one of the original authors, or someone else wants to do it, that is OK with me.

System details: Suse Linux 10.1 running on Parallels Virtual Machine on MacOSX 10.4.8(intel). Gcc 4.1.0, libc 2.4, gnustep-make-1.13.0, gnustep-base-1.13.0, gnustep-gui-0.11.0, gnustep-back-0.11.0, libtiff-3.8.2, libart_lgpl_2-2.3.17 with the default art backend.

I have attached the patch file and a test application I used to validate the changes (rough piece of work, but not for public consumption).

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