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[bug #39092] NSLock deadlock even in trivial GSWeb application

From: Graham Lee
Subject: [bug #39092] NSLock deadlock even in trivial GSWeb application
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 18:49:47 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) AppleWebKit/536.29.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.4 Safari/536.29.13

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #39092 (project gnustep):

Forgive me talking to myself, but I've made some progress on this. I wrote my
own <NSLocking> class that both checks the pthread_mutex errors and stores the
call stack at the point where it gets locked. If it gets deadlocked, it prints
both the callstack where it was originally locked and the one where it
deadlocked. So we now have this:

2013-05-29 19:40:59.228 EmptyApp[14545:3a07] Error locking
GLLock<0x7f8372012120>: 11
2013-05-29 19:40:59.234 EmptyApp[14545:3a07] Was already locked here: (
        0   WebObjects                          0x000000010b818c54 -[GLLock
lockBeforeDate:] + 148
        1   WebObjects                          0x000000010b849f58
loggedLockBeforeDateFromFunctionInFileInLine + 88
        2   WebObjects                          0x000000010b819dc1 
lockRequestHandling] + 113
        3   WebObjects                          0x000000010b86387d
-[GSWActionRequestHandler handleRequest:] + 141
        4   WebObjects                          0x000000010b81d2f0 
dispatchRequest:] + 224
        5   WebObjects                          0x000000010b876fe2 
runOnce] + 386
        6   Foundation                          0x00007fff8bc4ccd2 
+ 1345
        7   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff965fd7a2 
_pthread_start +
        8   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff965ea1e1 thread_start 
+ 13
2013-05-29 19:40:59.250 EmptyApp[14545:3a07] And I want it here: (
        0   WebObjects                          0x000000010b818ac4 -[GLLock 
lock] +
        1   WebObjects                          0x000000010b81c6fa 
pageWithName:inContext:] + 90
        2   WebObjects                          0x000000010b8607d0 -[GSWAction
pageWithName:] + 176
        3   WebObjects                          0x000000010b860efa 
defaultAction] + 26
        4   WebObjects                          0x000000010b860dd3 
performActionNamed:] + 67
        5   WebObjects                          0x000000010b8641e9
-[GSWActionRequestHandler _handleRequest:] + 1257
        6   WebObjects                          0x000000010b86388d
-[GSWActionRequestHandler handleRequest:] + 157
        7   WebObjects                          0x000000010b81d2f0 
dispatchRequest:] + 224
        8   WebObjects                          0x000000010b876fe2 
runOnce] + 386
        9   Foundation                          0x00007fff8bc4ccd2 
+ 1345
        10  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff965fd7a2 
_pthread_start +
        11  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff965ea1e1 thread_start 
+ 13


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