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Re: [patch] selected/context colors

From: Julian Foad
Subject: Re: [patch] selected/context colors
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 21:19:47 +0000
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Charles Levert wrote:
* On Monday 2005-11-14 at 12:58:20 +0000, Julian Foad wrote:

I can understand your point of view too,

It's not so much my point of view as it's what
2.5.1a used to do.  See below.

(That is, for one thing, highlighting matches within context lines with "-v".)

Oops. I stand corrected. I'm sorry for not checking this before. This will change my opinion. I will re-read the previous message and what I wrote, and see what I think now.

(Make sure to try 2.5.1a with different combinations
of options, to see what its behavior actually was.)

Testing v2.5.1 now, I find:

* The combination "-v -C" indeed highlighted matches within context lines.

* The combination "-o -v" didn't produce any output. I consider that an unsupported combination, and likewise "-o -C", because the output from that appears to be totally spurious (undesigned, accidental). Therefore I think it is our job to forbid or define the meaning of these combinations.

Are there any other combinations I should try?

(A detail: the old "GREP_COLOR" option should override

The old GREP_COLOR does _not_ override
GREP_COLORS, to be explicit.  It can change
the default, but is itself overriden by the new
GREP_COLORS, which has priority.

Sorry - I knew that, but wrote it badly. I meant "should affect", not "should override".

"matched-text-in-selected-line" only, since no highlighting used to be done on context lines.)

And I was wrong there.

But I see what you mean.  Check it out for
yourself, the last official release did color
matched text, whether in selected lines or in
context lines.  To be compatible in behavior
in 2.5.1a, GREP_COLOR should provisionally
set _both_ matched-text-in-selected-line and
matched-text-in-context-line, before GREP_COLORS
gets a chance to set them individually.

Yes, that would be sensible.

Secondly, the log entry indicates that this patch also changes the behaviour of "-o". We're discussing that in another thread and it shouldn't be done until we've decided.

This is a bug I introduced and that wasn't
there before.  It's about not processing things
in prline() when it's asked to.

Er... I'm not sure what bug this refers to and when "before" refers to, so no comment yet.

The other discussion is about prline() being
called at all for some lines, e.g., with -v
and -o.

I would like to fix what I did to prline() and
restore its correct functionality.  prline()
is mechanism, not policy.  The other thread [...]

Yes, prline is mechanism. Therefore the definition of "its correct functionality" is for us to decide, and change whenever we like (since it is a private function). The purpose of the function should be documented in a documentation comment at the top of the function (or, theoretically, it could be documented somewhere else), but there is no such comment. That's a real problem: it means that anybody working in the file has to make assumptions (sometimes verifiable by examining the code, sometimes not) that may disagree with how the author or other callers of the function interpreted it.

Without a written spec. for the function, it is meaningless to ask whether a bug (in Grep's behaviour) is due to the function's implementation or the way the function is called. The bug can be due to a mis-match of expectations between the caller and the implementation.

It's interesting, though.  In both cases
(discussion threads), the things I have advocated
are what used to be in 2.5.1a (except for a bug
with needless line prefixes being printed without
a newline and with no content).  The things you
are advocating are a departure from what 2.5.1a
used to do.

That's partly because I assumed things about the way they behaved, without checking. It is also partly because I took the view that things that have never worked properly should be designed properly by us now: we don't need to maintain compatibility with behaviours that were very broken.

More ironically, the things you are advocating in
the other thread are a consequence of something
I proposed in patch #3768 (but where I didn't
fully envision the consequences for -v).

Oh dear. I'm sorry for the confusion I've added. I hope some parts of the discussion have been useful nevertheless.

Please give me a few days to re-check the historical facts and re-consider my views.

- Julian

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