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Re: [bug-gtypist] Installing GNU-Typist

From: Tim Marston
Subject: Re: [bug-gtypist] Installing GNU-Typist
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2014 12:14:19 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hi Richard,

(Forgive the double reply; I forgot to cc the mailing list!)

On Sat, Jan 04, 2014 at 04:38:51PM -0800, Richard Rochelle wrote:
> Not a bug, but the email link for the discussion list sends to this
> address. Had an installation question.

This is the right place for it.  :o)

> I’ve installed ncurses and was running the ./configure script for
> gtypist when it complained that both library and header files for
> ncursesw are required. In the installation notes all it says is that
> the header files must be in “convenient places”. I’m assuming that if
> I could put these in a convenient place, it would work. My question,
> then is: what is a “convenient place”?

Is it possible that you have ncurses *instead* of ncursesw installed?
As of version 2.9, gtypist works with utf-8 internally and requires the
wide-character supporting version of the library.

If you have ncursesw, though, the headers should just be on the "usual"
include paths and librarys in the "usual" libs directory.  For example,
on my system I have ncursesw headers in /usr/include/ncursesw and the
library lives at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.  If you've
installed ncursesw with a package manager, it should probably just
work.  If you've installed ncursesw with "make install", it will likely
be in /usr/local somewhere, but I would guess that this should also
just work.

Hope this helps -- feel free to ask more questions if you're still

Kind regards,

Tim Marston

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