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guile-www-2.9 (www cgi) Tests for query-string parsing

From: Alan Grover
Subject: guile-www-2.9 (www cgi) Tests for query-string parsing
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 21:16:26 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7 (X11/20040615)

This script tests several interesting cases of query-strings. Add more tests to the obvious list (either a string, or a cons pair of the string and the expected result). There is a bunch of my debug messages in the file, which are turned off. Works under guile 1.6.4.

Line wrapping mangled!


#guile --debug -s $0
guile --debug -c "(set! %load-path (cons \".\" %load-path)) (load \"$0\")"

(use-modules (www cgi))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(use-modules (www url))

(define kDebug #f)
(if kDebug
        (use-modules (awg debug))
        (define (debug . x) #f))

; Various query-string test values
; After parsing, the test will reassemble the query-string and see if it matches
; Does not round-trip a "+" correctly: comes back as a %20 encoded value
(define test-values (list
        (cons "noval2=" "noval2")
        (cons "noval&" "noval")
        (cons "val=a&val=" "val=a&val")
        (cons "val=1&" "val=1")
        (cons "val=a=b" "val=a%3db")
        (cons "val=a&=b" "val=a&=b")
        (cons "val=a+b" "val=a%20b")
        (cons "=bad-term"  "=bad-term")
        (cons "noval1&&noval2"  "noval1&noval2")
        (cons "val=a&val2=c&val=b" "val=a&val=b&val2=c")

(define (join binder str-list)
        "join binder list => appends the list together with binder between"
(lambda (head done) (if (eq? done '()) head (string-append head binder done)))

(define (do-test)
        (letrec (
                (print-if (lambda (bool test-results)
                        "print if bool eq t-or-f"
                        ; could have been a foreach
                        (define (_print-if aResult)
                                (let* ( (status (car aResult)))
(if (eq? status bool) (begin (display aResult ) (newline)))))
                        (for-each _print-if test-results)))
                (comparer (lambda (qstring-or-pair)
                        "parse via cgi:init, reassemble, test for equal?"
                        (let* (
(qstring (if (pair? qstring-or-pair) (car qstring-or-pair) qstring-or-pair)) (explicit-wanted (if (pair? qstring-or-pair) (cdr qstring-or-pair) #f))
(begin (environ (list (string-append "QUERY_STRING=" qstring))) (debug "qstring '" qstring "'")
                                                (cgi:names) ))
(other-url-encode-bad (string->list "+%=&"))
                                (assemble-key-value (lambda (name)
                                        (if (not name)
                                                (let* (
(enc-key (if name (url:encode name other-url-encode-bad) "<no-enc-name>")) (raw-values (if name (cgi:values name) "<no-values>")) (assemble-one (lambda (raw-value) (debug "\t\traw " enc-key " => '" raw-value "'")



 (if (or (not raw-value)  (equal? raw-value ""))


(string-append "=" (url:encode raw-value other-url-encode-bad))))))
(if (not raw-values ) enc-key ; no "=" (join "&" (map assemble-one raw-values)))
(debug "cgi:names " qstring-names "\n") (if (or (not qstring-names) (eq? qstring-names '()) )
                                                        (list "")
(map assemble-key-value qstring-names) ))) (rebuilt-qstring (join "&" rebuilt-key-values))
                                ; + and %20 are the same, so normalize
(normalized-qstring (or explicit-wanted qstring))
(list (equal? normalized-qstring rebuilt-qstring) (list (list 'qstring qstring) (list 'wanted normalized-qstring) (list 'rebuilt rebuilt-qstring) cgi:names-values)))))
                ; collect results
                ; why can't I put this in the letrec?
                (define results (map comparer test-values))

                ; Print 'em
                (print-if #t results)
                (display " ---Fails:") (newline)
                (print-if #f results)


Alan Grover

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