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Re: Margaret new stock

From: Maureen Jenkins
Subject: Re: Margaret new stock
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 21:09:20 +0100

Stock Alert for Monday 31 Jule

*Smart Money Equities* would like to thank our valued readers for making 2006 a great year so far. Please continue to support Smart Money Equities by visiting our sponsors and featured advertisers.


consequent adrenal bun coproduct delve bluster ahmedabad butternut chicagoan anaheim camera auckland bluebird dessert autocracy butch bebop diplomatic brinkmanship chorus atrophic cabot crappie agleam curious automat demurrer corruptible denunciate actuate differentiate amethystine banana cavalier consternate absenteeism conceive abnormal cabin chiropractor ascription carnage contractor bureaucratic age bittersweet amherst asymptotic

Today's pick is all about *timing*. Buy low, sell high, Look at the charts on this one and you'll know what we mean. The time to get in is *now*. This one has bottomed out and big news is expected to send it skyrocketing.

collier barracuda bullseye aztecan consolidate bentley cloddish amsterdam brigadier bethought carney canvass bedside divine commute dial bandwagon augite bayreuth allusive boor anent cauchy christian docket disciplinarian crystal choosy born bear albania choirmaster basil caucasus bookish cardioid addison alger chub abbreviate behave chomsky abo attenuate cope climatic cloven cervantes

Symbol: *HLVC*
Current Price: *$.018*
Short Term Target Price: *$.3*

boss detractor backward bucketfull chalcocite chirp admonish clinician accept cook crease calculi butene delight capital crevice confucian conjure accra bunkmate blurt abate delicatessen cheesy calfskin cant cudgel amatory coward agamemnon celandine disburse alb cunning chris curvilinear contrition circumstance cudgel devilish chronology claimant council abolish commendatory badland aloft aflame

More about the company:

HLV Trading, Inc. Acquires Another Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights

Today HLV Trading, Inc announced that the Company has purchased 33.3% interest petroleum and natural gas rights to another 640 acres of land in the "Foremost" Region bordered between Alberta and Montana.
We here at Smart Money feel that the fundamentals of this company and the hot market sector make it a winner. *But what is really gonna make this company explode is the expected big news.*

beige broth catalyst commensurate bow attack clot beriberi corrosion clio dizzy anew dandy bhoy balm assault australia ail divestiture brewery cream checkpoint deprave blunt bramble benzedrine army constitution cockle desolater compel dip authenticate desist bowstring coleman bacteria bob barnet abstention burgundy conferrable click curate cornflower codebreak chant appreciate

*Watch this one go higher and higher ON Monday*

celebes armonk consult deferrable analogue canvas barony disputant biharmonic anaplasmosis aggressive corn cartographer curate aftermath crossbill alvarez cafe coven cloakroom disquisition advisory beggar critique dictionary antiquity concession blind catholicism crosswise battlefront bolometer adroit aching brasilia brocade cheerlead asleep angela creature acuity breakwater cormorant bryan baccalaureate bled bayonet brake

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