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Re: PowerPC port

From: Barry deFreese
Subject: Re: PowerPC port
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 21:26:16 -0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020623 Debian/1.0.0-0.woody.1

José Salaver Torres wrote:

I have been searching for a project about making a port for powerpc of
the gnu-Mach microkernel, the only thing I have found is a project for
making run the osf-mach into Hurd, that seems crap, because I have read
that osf-mach doesn't have a GPL license.

I have knowledge of C and POSIX, so what can I do to help in Hurd,
finishing the POSIX support (semaphores) seemed nice, but I can't
install the Hurd system, because I only have a mac.


PD: Will Hurd have a boot sound? Something like a south-african gnu shout (muuuuuhuhhu!) when the soundcard is detected? XDDD
Like a war shout.
Macs have a boot sound too, but would be ridicolous compared with this ...
I think I'm getting mad...


Don't bother with Gnumach. Most work is now being done to port Hurd to the L4 Microkernel (which is already ported to PPC bye the way). There has been some work done toward PPC already but it has stalled temporarily waiting for some of the other L4/Hurd servers to be completed.

Thank you,

Barry deFreese
Debian 3.0r1 "Woody"
Registered Linux "Newbie" #302256 - Hurd H4XX0r wannabe

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