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Re: guile-2.2.0 in GNU/Hurd

From: mdn
Subject: Re: guile-2.2.0 in GNU/Hurd
Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 18:42:12 +0200
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Hurd isn't a operating system it's a microkernel.
A kernel is software that manages hardware resources (ram, i/o etcetera...).
Linux is a kernel just like hurd is.
They just have different designs.

See more at:
and of course

I Hope this helped you.

rennes <address@hidden> writes:
>I forwarded the mail about the guile-2.2 bug in Hurd; Andy a guile
>developer comments on the error as follows:
>"'Setrlimit' is incapable of limiting your memory usage."
>I understand that Hurd is an OS that is under development/experimental
>and has not yet implemented functions/features as mentioned.
>Given this situation, can we do something about it?

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