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Re: tests/execute-mode.at

From: Peter Rosin
Subject: Re: tests/execute-mode.at
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 06:49:30 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Den 2009-11-26 01:00 skrev Roumen Petrov:
Peter Rosin wrote:
Line 172 in that test runs a freshly built executable and fails
if it doesn't run, so in that case you must be relying on wine
or something such, can you confirm that?

Yes, binfmt is activated with wine as emulator.

Thought so, which means that the bug is present for everybody who
is doing a cross build without means of running the produced

I need the patch I provided (tabs got converted to 4 spaces)
for the test to not fail.

No idea, why test fail in you environment. The log from my environment is attached as file "43-testsuite.log.gz".

Because I don't have wine.

My results are attached, with and without my patch.


They are in the crowd with the answer before the question.
> Why do you dislike Jeopardy?

Attachment: patched-43-testsuite.log
Description: Text document

Attachment: master-43-testsuite.log
Description: Text document

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