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paper-set-staff-size et al.

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: paper-set-staff-size et al.
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 05:02:21 +0200 (CEST)

[lilypond 2.3.11]

Three connected bugs:

. Coming from older lilypond 2 versions, I still had

    #(paper-set-staff-size 4)

  in my \paper block.  While this is works fine in 2.2.5, it causes
  unexpected results in 2.3.11: The command has silently be redefined
  to just change the size of staff lines without changing anything
  else.  Why?

  I suggest to add a rule to convert-ly which converts
  paper-set-staff-size accordingly.

. There is no equivalent function for set-global-staff-size which can
  be used within the \paper block.

. It's a bit unfortunate that we have `set-default-paper-size' but
  `set-global-staff-size'.  I suggest to rename it to
  `set-default-staff-size' (or add an alias name).


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