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Re: Issue 2141 in lilypond: accidental spacing - some accidentals are to

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 2141 in lilypond: accidental spacing - some accidentals are too far from each other
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2011 19:13:40 +0000

Comment #3 on issue 2141 by address@hidden: accidental spacing - some accidentals are too far from each other


I would force naturals in sixths (m. 75) closer than they are typeset currently by Lily only when music is tight. It's possible that they don't need to be smaller in order to be closer together.

As for the upper flat in m. 9 (double flats) - I guess you're right. I shortened it so that both accidentals would be the same length, but it's a bit weird indeed.

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