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Re: % vs. "No rule to make target"

From: jidanni
Subject: Re: % vs. "No rule to make target"
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 05:12:13 +0800

PS> what does this information do for you?

I don't know, all I am thinking is hooks (i.e., differing error
messages that can be post processed by:) for a future hand holding
system so one can "ask what went wrong?" And have super basic tutorial
information given... (target implementation date 2050, implementor:
some fellow like the one who wrote the Bash Advanced guide or Emacs
Lisp big manual.)

(Just make slightly differing messages if they can be made today
without rearranging the program just for this.)

> I guess what you're suggesting is something like:
I don't know, it's all over my head anyway. OK, thanks.

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