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RE: Help : how to use $(or condition ) & $(and condition ) inmakefile

From: Martin Dorey
Subject: RE: Help : how to use $(or condition ) & $(and condition ) inmakefile
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:41:26 -0700

Try make -f and.mk A=22 B=44.


From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Tim Murphy
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 09:31
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Help : how to use $(or condition ) & $(and condition ) inmakefile



I have amended an example of how to use $(and) that I posted earlier for Rakesh.  I have tested this on Linux with make 3.81.

It shows a crude way and a slightly more sophisticated way to use $(and) in an if statement to determine if two variables have equal values:


# do "equal" by seeing if a subst returns the empty string:
A_is_2:=$(if $(subst 2,,$(A)),,T)
B_is_4:=$(if $(subst 4,,$(B)),,T)

AandB:=$(and $(A_is_2),$(B_is_4))

# then you could do something based on this:
$(info Crude AND Demo: )
ifneq ($(AandB),)
$(info TRUE: A is 2, B is 4)
$(info FALSE: A is $(A), B is $(B))

# One could make it look nicer by making an equals macro:
define eq
$(if $(1:$(2)=),,$(if $(2:$(1)=),,T))

# which you could use as follows:

$(info Macro-based AND Demo: )
ifneq ($(and $(call eq,$(A),2),$(call eq,$(B),4)),)
$(info TRUE: A is 2, B is 4)
# do what you want to do when A=2 and B=4
$(info FALSE: A is $(A), B is $(B))

The output looks like this:

address@hidden base]make -f and.mk A=1 B=5
Crude AND Demo:
FALSE: A is 1, B is 5
Macro-based AND Demo:
FALSE: A is 1, B is 5
make: *** No targets.  Stop.


address@hidden base]make -f and.mk A=2 B=4
Crude AND Demo:
TRUE: A is 2, B is 4
Macro-based AND Demo:
TRUE: A is 2, B is 4
make: *** No targets.  Stop.


address@hidden base]make -f and.mk A=2 B=3
Crude AND Demo:
FALSE: A is 2, B is 3
Macro-based AND Demo:
FALSE: A is 2, B is 3
make: *** No targets.  Stop.


2008/6/6 Paul Smith <address@hidden>:

On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 05:05 -0700, rakesh aggarwal wrote:
> But still there is some problem.

I haven't looked at your example.

But, the very first thing to check is the version of GNU make you're
using (make --version).  If it's not 3.81, then the manual you're
reading is not the right one for the version of GNU make you're using.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:
 http://www.gnu.org                      http://make.mad-scientist.us
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