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panel question

From: Peter Jay Salzman
Subject: panel question
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 16:02:57 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.24i

hi there,

i have a program that divides the main window up like this:

                         |                           |        |
                         |                           |        |
                         |     WINDOW *w1            | WINDOW |
                         |                           |  *w2   |
                         |                           |        |
                         |                           |        |
                         |        WINDOW *w3                  |
                         |                                    |

i think i'd like for w1 to flip between two sets of data.  i know this
is done with the panels library, but i'm a bit unsure how to procede.
here's mock code:

   void ncurses_main(void)
        WINDOW *w1, *w2, *w3;
        InitCurses(&w1, &w2, &w3);

   void InitCurses(WINDOW **w1, WINDOW **w2, WINDOW **w3)
        *w1 = newwin(LINES-W3LEN, COLS-17, 0,           0);
        *w2 = newwin(LINES-W3LEN, 17,      0,           COLS-17);
        *w3 = newwin(W3LEN,       COLS,    LINES-W3LEN, 0);

can someone tell me if this is correct:

   void ncurses_main(void)
        WINDOW *w1, *w2, *w3;
                PANEL  *p1, *p2;
        InitCurses(&w1, &p1, &p2, &w2, &w3);

   void InitCurses(WINDOW **w1, PANEL **P1, PANEL **P2 WINDOW **w2, WINDOW **w3)
        *w1 = newwin(LINES-W3LEN, COLS-17, 0,           0);
        *w2 = newwin(LINES-W3LEN, 17,      0,           COLS-17);
        *w3 = newwin(W3LEN,       COLS,    LINES-W3LEN, 0);
        *p1 = new_panel(*w1);
        *p2 = new_panel(*w1);

that is, create two PANEL's, and call new_panel for each one with the
argument of the WINDOW on which they're to be stacked.

is that correct?

if so, how does one go about creating, say, a popup window which may be
stacked on top of multiple WINDOWS simultaneously?  not that i want to
do this - i'm just curious about the answer.


ps- has anyone heard of an ncurses book in the works?  the o'reilly book
is almost older than my girlfriend, and is in *bad* need of updating.

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