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[Bug-spacechart] Stocks infosource

From: rana nelson
Subject: [Bug-spacechart] Stocks infosource
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 12:06:42 +0600

Newswire trading.
Bottom Feeder Alert 13.
Aggressive traders will want to pay close attention to, Remington Ventures Inc. But Jim was ready for them, and when he saw them coming he turned his heels toward them and began kicking out as hard as he could.
RMVN natives.
0.07 last trade! Rob Loses His Treasures Our young adventurer had intended to pass the night in the little bed at his hotel, but the atmosphere of Paris proved so hot and disagreeable that he decided it would be more enjoyable to sleep while journeying through the cooler air that lay far above the earth's surface.
Remington Ventures Flips the 1.5 TriIIion DoIIar Daily Currency Exchange Market with it's new technology. So just as the clocks were striking the midnight hour Rob mounted skyward and turned the indicator of the traveling machine to the east, intending to make the city of Vienna his next stop.
Go to the RMVN website and read up on this amazing new technology. He had risen to a considerable distance, where the air was remarkably fresh and exhilarating, and the relief he experienced from the close and muggy streets of Paris was of such a soothing nature that he presently fell fast asleep.
It not only analizes the 1.5 TriIIion a day FX Market but is able to show trends and tell you what the next big mover will be. How amazing is that?!! Crack! crash! bang! went his iron-shod hoofs against the wooden bodies of the Gargoyles, and they were battered right and left with such force that they scattered like straws in the wind.
RMVN is at a low low price. as.
---The last time RNVN took a run the price sky rocketed all the way to 1.90--- His day in the metropolis had been a busy one, for, like all boys, he had forgotten himself in the delight of sight-seeing and had tired his muscles and exhausted his strength to an unusual degree.
Bottom feeders mean low, low price. Buy low sell high! Remember hearing that? It was about three o'clock in the morning when Rob, moving restlessly in his sleep, accidently touched with his right hand the indicator of the machine which was fastened to his left wrist, setting it a couple of points to the south of east, He was, of course, unaware of the slight alteration in his course, which was destined to prove of serious importance in the near future. For the boy's fatigue induced him to sleep far beyond daybreak, and during this period of unconsciousness he was passing over the face of European countries and approaching the lawless and dangerous dominions of the Orient.
Information in this report may contain forward 1ook ing statements within the meaning of sec tion , 27 a of the Securitiesact of l933 and Section 2lB of the SEC Act of l934, statements that involve discussions of future events. But the noise and clatter seemed as dreadful to them as Jim's heels, for all who were able swiftly turned and flew away to a great distance.
Don't rely on them. Past perf 0rmance isnt indicitive of future results. We have not received any payment for this advertisementfor rmvn but we are in talks and expect to receive a ca 5h payment from a thirdparty, not an officer or director or affi Iiate. PennySt0 cks are high ris k. The others picked themselves up from the ground one by one and quickly rejoined their fellows, so for a moment the horse thought he had won the fight with ease.
If you are not a sav vy in vest or we suggest you sit back and justwatch. This report shall not be construed as any kind of recommendation ln vestment advice orsolicitation.It is a watch only, always Call yourbroker or ln vestment advisor first. When, at last, he opened his eyes, he was puzzled to determine where he was.

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