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[bug #43122] texi2dvi does not compile enough times to get toc

From: Vincent Belaïche
Subject: [bug #43122] texi2dvi does not compile enough times to get toc
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 21:06:30 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #43122 (project texinfo):

Dear Karl et alii,

Sorry for the very-very long delay before doing any feedback. So, following
Karl's request, I got the latest texi2dvi and texinfo.tex from the SVN repo
and did the test again, and it still fails to make the toc complete after one
run from scratch.

FYI, I had to do some small tricks in order to ensure that texi2pdf calls
texi2dvi shell script in the same directory, because on my machine I had a
texi2dvi.exe in MikTeX distribution, and MSYS was taking this one instead of
the latest texi2dvi from the Texinfo project as I have MikTeX bin dir in the

Sorry also for the incorrect information in my very first post : actually the
problem exists both with metafont-for-beginners.texi (the ASCII encoded
English version) and metafont-for-beginners-fr.texi (the UTF-8 encoded French
version). So it has nothing to do with accents or so contrary to my first
guess. Probably, when I first made the test it had worked with the English
version because the compilation was not really from scratch (I presume that
some aux file was remaining from a previous compilation...)

Anyway, in order to compile from *SCRATCH* I now launch this command (please
note that I also activated the verbose option in order to get a more complete

rm -fr metafont-for-beginners.aux metafont-for-beginners.cp
metafont-for-beginners.fn metafont-for-beginners-fr.aux
metafont-for-beginners-fr.cp metafont-for-beginners-fr.fn
metafont-for-beginners-fr.ky metafont-for-beginners-fr.log
metafont-for-beginners-fr.pdf metafont-for-beginners-fr.pg
metafont-for-beginners-fr.toc metafont-for-beginners-fr.tp
metafont-for-beginners-fr.vr metafont-for-beginners.ky
metafont-for-beginners.log metafont-for-beginners.pdf
metafont-for-beginners.pg metafont-for-beginners.toc metafont-for-beginners.tp
metafont-for-beginners.vr;  texi2pdf -V metafont-for-beginners.texi

I attached the log file metafont-for-beginners.log, and by browsing it and
looking at what the xref_files_changed from texi2dvi is doing I realized what
the root cause of the issue is. You are grepping the log only for "Rerun to
get" or for "biblatex.*(re)run" in order to trigger the etex re-run, but there
aren't any such match in the log file, rather one can read in it:

Cross reference values unknown; you must run TeX again.

So, I made some patch (attached as texi2dvi.diff) to grep the above also, and
with it, it works fine: texi2dvi runs etex twice, and the toc is therefore

BTW, maybe one single grep pass would be more efficient provided that the
regexp would be an OR of the 3 regexps in use.

(file #34658, file #34659)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: metafont-for-beginners.log     Size:6 KB
File name: texi2dvi.diff                  Size:0 KB


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