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[Bug-ToutDoux] opinion sophisticated

From: Louis Mason
Subject: [Bug-ToutDoux] opinion sophisticated
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 18:43:00 +0100

Its only the containing walls ofthe box that keep them together. Seconded forspecial service, as we used to say in the army. He wanted to beassured that he had still a modest reservoir to draw upon. When hecame back he would sit by the hour in the library, not dozing, butthinking. Hes the most intellectually honest creature Godever made. Galliard, Im afraid I must askyou some questions. Whenever you geta borderland where Latin and Northman meet, you get this uncannysensitiveness. I know your sister andyour uncle, and now that Im an idle man Ive promised to do what Ican. Maybe he was asking on behalf of someone else, forhe couldnt have much use himself for a guide. There was a quality here, undependable,uncertain, dangerous perhaps, but rare and unmistakable. But something hadhappened to one of them to shatter a happy partnership. I doubt if he is satisfied by what he does, orparticularly happy. But something hadhappened to one of them to shatter a happy partnership. Francis had been here and hadenjoined secrecy on the priest and no doubt on old Augustin. This passed, and, since there wasno demand for activity, his mind turned in on itself. All of us have got to find a new way of life. You can put up at the farm, and I dare say I canget a shake-down at the presbytery. He had killed and cooked a chicken with his own hands. It was a frontier between the desertand the sown. There, the afternoonbefore, he had had the first hour of bodily comfort he had knownfor months. Whathad caused this sudden satiety with success? Attachment to family and birthplace, for instance. There was anextraordinary appeal in her mute gallantry, her silent, self-contained fortitude. But for some time I have been anxiousabout Francis. Hes a fascinating human being and rousesno antagonisms. No woman, least of all his wife, would attempt to mould SandyClanroyden. Maybe he was asking on behalf of someone else, forhe couldnt have much use himself for a guide. No doubt Augustin can lodge Monsieur Frizel, but I fear he willhave rough quarters. He remembered the young Ravelstons words. They had waited and left it for a stranger totake on the job. Johnny Frizel went up the track in the bush to where a countrymanwas cutting stakes. For supper there was soup and the fowl, and coffee made by one whohad learned the art in France. But myworking days are past, and I would make my soul.

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