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[Bug-ToutDoux] recycled

From: Christina Bryant
Subject: [Bug-ToutDoux] recycled
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 17:58:15 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

A-B testing can help you find the right balance of whether GZip compression is right for your website. Each switch between ASP script and HTML causes the compiler to stop and start processing.
Use StringBuilder when concatenating strings.
The cost far outweighs the benefits that Index Server will give. Mostly dynamic or unstable websites should not use this setting. Set objects, especially database objects to Nothing when no longer needed. The first time will take quite a lot of work, yet even this could be an advantage.
The first time will take quite a lot of work, yet even this could be an advantage. If Sessions are not used in your application, remove these two methods since they will be compiled and executed even when empty.
Avoid throwing exceptions.
A lot of maintenance on your side would be a factor to implement a system. Each database query with returned results is a round trip to the database server, adding to the overall response time. Combine images and use image maps instead of segmenting images, remembering that each image loaded is a connection between the web browser and the web server.
Go through the website you find your material on and note which pages your content or graphics are being used on.
Each database query with returned results is a round trip to the database server, adding to the overall response time. A CMS requires knowledge, constant upgrades because of new editions of the CMS that come to the market and in order to use the latest features you need to upgrade.
Use client-side validation controls to reduce server round-trips. Go through the website you find your material on and note which pages your content or graphics are being used on.
With some knowledge and experience you are able to setup a CMS. Avoid unnecessary HTML tags: not all tags need a closing tag.
What I was shocked to find when viewing this link, was that basically our entire website was duplicated on this site.
Go through the website you find your material on and note which pages your content or graphics are being used on. Obviously you need a lot of maintenance to profit from this.
As the string grows through concatenation, it is copied to a new location in memory each time.
Host your website with a company known for performance.
Each frame loads its own web page which can increase the overall response time of a webpage. Also, segment and categorize functions in commonly used include files. Specify image WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes for faster loading in the browser.
com, include the trailing slash, e.
No copyright statement or registration is required, although having the statement can only benefit you.
Many of these advantages are related to previous mentions examples, but these could become a benefit if they match your background and your situation. NET, tune your database, and enhance IIS.
Use client-side validation controls to reduce server round-trips.
FrontPage, that include extra and irrelevant text and HTML tags. End-to-end testing of your website, e.
Transfer over Response.

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