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[Bug-wget] (no subject)

From: sd70
Subject: [Bug-wget] (no subject)
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 21:53:05 -0600 (CST)

I use wget for all of my mirroring tasks, but I have one small problem that I can't work around.  I wish there was a way when mirroring a website that I could get files that are that that target for replacement to be renamed with the .1 .2 .3  convention like you can do when you are not not using -N -r -l and -m.  I need to see old pages as they progress and this would be really helpful.  As it is now, I have to keep running an entire copy and comparison scenario to get around this, which results in alot of wasted processor cycles.
Is there a chance that this could functionality could be added to a future release?
Scott D.,
A committed wget enthusiast 

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