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Re: [Bug-wget] supporting rsync?

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] supporting rsync?
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 17:09:45 -0500

    Probably not any time soon.

Is that code for "forget it, it's never going to happen"?  Or is there
actually some hope that you (or someone -- not me, sadly) would work on
it within, say, a year?  Just trying to get a read ...

    But I'm curious: why not just use rsync? 

Because it would be useful to have just one program which could be used
to "download" stuff over whatever protocol.  What's so special about
http[s] and ftp that they should be the only ones supported :)?  There's
also bittorrent, for that matter ... a la aria2.sf.net.

You could say the same about ftp.  There are tons of ftp programs out
there.  But it's still very useful to be able to give ftp to wget.

Anyway.  The specific case I have in mind is the TeX Live installer,
where we use wget extensively and it would be very nice to be able to
support rsync in the same way.

    Seems to me that rsync does it better than we could hope to :)

I was imagining that the implementation in wget could translate
into exec-ing rsync, more or less.  Certainly reimplementing all of
rsync would be crazy.  Maybe they provide a library?


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