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Re: [Chicken-hackers] multiple issues in embedded PCRE

From: Peter Bex
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] multiple issues in embedded PCRE
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 11:49:16 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

On Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 11:38:09AM -0200, Mario Domenech Goulart wrote:
> > This doesn't seem that hard from my (posibly naive) perspective. 
> > 
> > In every release an "svn cp .../eggs .../rel-a.b.c/eggs" is done. 
> > chicken-setup merely needs to a) know the version and b) get the eggs 
> > from .../rel-a.b.c/eggs
> That would be a good approach.  However, the chicken-setup part is not
> so simple.  chicken-setup fetches eggs using HTTP from
>  The svn repository is hosted
> at; eggs are uploaded to call/ preiodically.
> So, it seems to me that there are two main alternatives:
> 1. uploading multiple versions of eggs to call/ (I don't know
>    its disk space restrictions).'s machine (aka
>    galinha) is available for making eggs available, of course (and for
>    whatever chicken-related job), in case disk space on call/ is
>    a problem.

This only becomes a problem after a lot of releases.  Of course, nobody
said we have to keep ALL old releases.  We could decide to remove releases
older than, say, a year.

> 2. make chicken-setup act as an svn client to access the eggs
>    repository directly.  Don't know how difficult it would be.

You'd need to make the svn-client egg part of base chicken.  I'm not sure
that would be desirable.

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