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Re: [Chicken-users] static library and link

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] static library and link
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 07:42:11 +0200

On 5/23/06, Frédéric Peschanski <address@hidden> wrote:

==> mylib.scm
(declare (unit mylib))
(declare (export (foo bar)))

That should be `(declare (export foo bar))' (typo?)

==> myexample.scm
(load-library 'mylib "")

Probably there are missing links between the library files.
I put the minimum of information because I would like to
maintain some "inter-scheme" compatibility if possible.
That's why I reserve a dedicated file for implementation-related
infos (mylib.scm)

Finally, I don't really understand which commands I should
use for compilation :
- of the individual .scm ==> .o

csc -c ...

- of the library .o ==> .so

csc X.o Y.o -s -o

- of the executable myexample.scm (+link with ==> myexample

csc myexample.scm -lXY

Thank you if you can help me (or are these dumb questions ?),

Not at all dumb - the documentation is a bit weak on that.


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