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Re: Re: [Chicken-users]

From: elf
Subject: Re: Re: [Chicken-users]
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 08:33:43 -0500 (EST)

it would be trivial to write a generator of simple s-exps to evaluate...

(define (generate-challenge)
    (let* ((op   (random 4))
           (pl   (random 2))
           (x1   (+ 1 (random 10)))
           (x2   (+ 1 (random 10)))
           (c    ((case op ((0) +) ((1) -) (else *)) x1 x2))
           (an   (if (= 3 op) n1 c)))
        (cons (sprintf "Result of evaluating ((lambda (x) (~A ~A ~A)) ~A)?"
                       (case op ((0) "+") ((1) "-") ((2) "*") ((3) "/"))
                       (if (= 0 pl) "x" (if (= op 3) c n1))
                       (if (= 0 pl) n2 "x")
                       (if (= 0 pl) (if (= op 3) c n1) n2)a)

would be a simple arithmetic generator.  (apologies for any errors and for
the formatting, i didnt want it to take a whole page properly formatted, and
i just wrote this on the fly, so there may be a few bugs)


On Tue, 7 Nov 2006, Alejandro Forero Cuervo wrote:

> > Perhaps as an anti-spam measure we could require answers to some
> > simple Scheme questions; for instance, in order to create/edit a page,
> > one would need to correctly input the answer to a question such as:
> >
> >  What is the result of evaluating ((lambda (x) (/ 42 x)) 7) ?
> >
> > While very quick and simple for any schemer to answer, I'd say a
> > spammer who is able to answer that (almost) deserves his edit
> > privileges ;-)
> I am not sure this is that worth implementing, but I guess we can
> experiment.  :-)
> I guess we want the questions to be as simple as possible (so, for
> example, they won't keep people to make small contributions here and
> there) while still keeping the spammers from defacing our wiki.  I
> will begin with easy questions (such as "What's 12 + 3?" or "What's
> character #3 in the word 'random'?") and see if they are good enough
> to stopping spam.  I suspect not but it could be that this spam is
> comming from an automated bot that attacks all sorts of wikis and that
> this simple questions turn out to be good enough to keep it from
> altering our wiki.  (I suspect the spamming of our wiki is being done
> manually, not programmatically, but I really don't know.)
> I will, of course, also make it so at the Nth (3rd?) wrong answer, an
> IP is banned for a while.
> Something else we need to look at is how to use svnlook to alter the
> commit log for one change directly in the svn repos (since the spammer
> could put the spam in the descriptions for the changes).
> Alejo.
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