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Re: [Chicken-users] chicken-setup

From: minh thu
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] chicken-setup
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 22:24:51 +0200

2008/7/15 Shawn Rutledge <address@hidden>:
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 6:01 PM, Ivan Raikov <address@hidden> wrote:
>>   The idea is basically to isolate all of the general procedures for
>> e.g. installation and compilation, which once written would probably
>> stay relatively unchanged, and only modify the frontend as
>> chicken-setup policies evolve. We could also think about having
>> different frontends, e.g. for use with different package building
>> tools.
> This sounds good so far.
> So an egg could include a custom setup script, or else it would be
> auto-generated from the .meta file at installation time and therefore
> the egg is not required to provide it, right?
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Peter Bex <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I don't think this can be solved automatically (unless we want to
>> recreate Autotools or CMake) so what is needed is a way to override or
>> add to existing search paths by passing switches to chicken-setup,
>> which it then can pass on to the compiler. Example:
>> chicken-setup foo.egg -I /opt/foo/include -L /opt/foo/lib
> That could be a last-ditch way to solve problems but I would hope most
> users wouldn't need to do that for most eggs.
> Is there anything wrong with putting extra -I's and -L's in the meta
> file, with some possible guesses the egg developer can think of, where
> a particular library or include might be located?  And chicken-setup
> could append the usual suspects automatically, like /usr/include,
> /usr/local/include etc.
> (library foo-wrapper
>  (version 1.4)
>  (make (foo-wrapper.scm) (compile -O2 -d0 -s foo-wrapper.scm
> -L/usr/lib/foo -L/usr/include/foo -ldl -lfoo -lchicken))))
> One problem I could think of is the case where the user has multiple
> versions of the same library, or is cross-compiling, in which case the
> default paths, or the paths suggested in the meta file, could be
> misleading.  I guess he'd have to specify the -I and -L somehow, as
> you suggest.  If the user does that, then chicken-setup would not
> include the default paths, or at least would put the provided paths
> first.
> Or somehow the meta file could suggest that might be located
> in a directory called foo-1.0, somewhere, and chicken-setup could
> expand that to -L/usr/lib/foo-1.0 -L/usr/local/lib/foo-1.0 etc.
> But the ability to cross-compile eggs is something I need to test
> soon; sounds like it's pretty cool already.  I'm working on a bitbake
> recipe for chicken for OpenMoko (I'm still a newbie with that) and am
> wondering if it's going to be possible to get bitbake to compile all
> the eggs too, and make ipk's for all of them, hopefully either
> semi-automatically or I can come up with a way to generate recipes
> automatically from the meta files, or something.


Another case is when we use pkg-config as in
`pkg-config --cflags --libs pangocairo`.


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