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[Chicken-users] SRFI-42 and Importing in Chicken 4

From: Jack Trades
Subject: [Chicken-users] SRFI-42 and Importing in Chicken 4
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 16:03:01 -0600

I just got Chicken 4 compiled and am having some problems with importing.

#;1> (import srfi-1)
; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/4/ ...
#;2> (take '(1 2 3) 2)
Error: unbound variable: take

The docs say "Importing a module does not load or link it - this is a separate operation from importing its bindings."  How do I load it?
(require-extension srfi-1) works but I would like to prefix the names from srfi-1.  BTW would this be correct, (import srfi-1 (prefix srfi-1 "list-funcs."))?

I also get this when trying to import or install srfi-42.  Does chicken-setup work with Chicken 4?

#;1> (import srfi-42)
Error: (import) during expansion of (import ...) - can not import from undefined module: srfi-42

address@hidden:~/chicken/trunk$ sudo chicken-setup srfi-42

File srfi-42.egg or srfi-42.setup not found in the download directory.
Do you want to download .egg archive ? (yes/no/abort) [yes]
downloading srfi-42.egg from ( eggs/3 80)
  gzip -d -c /tmp/chicken-setup-3-root/downloads/srfi-42.egg | tar xf -
  /usr/local/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s -R syntax-case -O2 -d0 -check-imports -emit-exports srfi-42-support.exports srfi-42-support.scm
csc: invalid option `-check-imports'
Error: shell invocation failed with non-zero return status
"/usr/local/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s -R syntax-case -O2 -d0 -chec...

Also, I'm trying to build a DSL for an evolutionary programming system, is there a way to prefix all Scheme symbols and modules?  I would like something similar to, s.list, s.+, etc.  Can that be done in the REPL?  It seems to import at least basic scheme by default.

Jack Trades

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