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Re: [Chicken-users] More on Packaging eggs

From: Jim Pryor
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] More on Packaging eggs
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 17:43:55 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hi Peter, thanks for the quick reply. Okay, so I'll keep colorize in the
list and add qwiki to the list.

> >     phoghorn
> I assume this didn't work because it depends on epeg?

Yes, phoghorn failed because it needed epeg (and probdist failed because
it needed atlas-lapack).

> > And here are some I wasn't able to package, despite trying:
> > 
> >     epeg
> What exactly went wrong with epeg?

Here's the buildlog:

==> Making package: chicken-epeg 2.3-4 (Wed Sep 29 09:48:15 EDT 2010)
==> Retrieving Sources...
  -> Found chicken-epeg-2.3.chunked
  -> Found chicken-epeg-2.3.html
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    chicken-epeg-2.3.chunked ... Passed
    chicken-epeg-2.3.html ... Passed
==> Creating source package...
  -> Adding PKGBUILD...
  -> Adding install file (chicken.install)...
  -> Compressing source package...
==> Source package created: chicken-epeg (Wed Sep 29 09:48:15 EDT 2010)
==> Copied build scripts to: /var/cache/build/makepkg-tmp-jim/chicken-epeg
==> Making package: chicken-epeg 2.3-4 (Wed Sep 29 09:48:15 EDT 2010)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> Retrieving Sources...
  -> Found chicken-epeg-2.3.chunked
  -> Found chicken-epeg-2.3.html
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    chicken-epeg-2.3.chunked ... Passed
    chicken-epeg-2.3.html ... Passed
==> Extracting Sources...
==> Removing existing pkg/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting build()...
retrieving ...
checking platform for `epeg' ...
checking dependencies for `epeg' ...
install order:
installing epeg: ...
changing current directory to .
  /usr/bin/csi -bnq -setup-mode -e "(require-library setup-api)" -e "(import 
setup-api)" -e "(setup-error-handling)" -e "(extension-name-and-version 
'(\"epeg\" \"\"))" -e "(destination-prefix 
\"/var/cache/build/makepkg-tmp-jim/chicken-epeg/pkg/usr\")" epeg.setup
  /usr/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -s -O2 epeg.scm 
`epeg-config --cflags` `epeg-config --libs` -j epeg
sh: epeg-config: command not found
sh: epeg-config: command not found
epeg.c:14:18: fatal error: Epeg.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 256: gcc epeg.c -o 
epeg.o -c -fno-strict-aliasing -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DC_ENABLE_PTABLES -Os 
-fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC -DPIC -DC_SHARED

Error: shell command failed with nonzero exit status 256:

  /usr/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    -s -O2 epeg.scm 
`epeg-config --cflags` `epeg-config --libs` -j epeg

Error: shell command terminated with nonzero exit code
"/usr/bin/csi -bnq -setup-mode -e \"(require-library setup-api)\" -e \"(import 

Jim Pryor

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