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Re: [cp-patches] RFC: java.beans.EventHandler - not finished #1

From: Thomas Fitzsimmons
Subject: Re: [cp-patches] RFC: java.beans.EventHandler - not finished #1
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 15:10:02 -0500

On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 06:47 +0100, Robert Schuster wrote:
>I have rewritten java.beans.EventHandler.invoke() to make it follow the 
>spec more closely.
>Yep, I am proud to announce that this is more to the spec than Sun 
>itself (run mauve There is 
>a lot of undocumented behavior here (see another mauve testsuite named 
>mauve for details on this) 
>which I have reproduced as well.
>I am going to add more api documentation to the last two create() method 
>variants which then will describe all the stuff that is officially 
>undocumented as well as fix error cases which are again weird in this 
>class. :(
>The main reason for posting the patch is because 'they' do something 
>very odd: EventHandler implements the InvocationHandler interface which 
>is part of the Proxy API. The InvocationHandler declares the invoke() 
>method which has "throws Throwable" in its signature.
>However in EventHandler.invoke 'throws Throwable' is missing but the 
>method sometimes throws checked exceptions. These are 
>NoSuchMethodExceptions and all exceptions that are thrown by the 
>reflectively called methods (= InvocationTargetException.getCause() ).
>I think for a lame low-tech API like EventHandler its a shame that 
>'they' use such trickery. What I want to know is how we should handle this.
>My suggestion is to say good-bye to 100% JAPI-compatibility and let it 
>show that it may throw Throwables and add an extra 'Note: Sun bad. GNU 
>good. ;)' to the doc.

No, this wouldn't be source compatible with Sun.  I think source
compatibility is more important than accurate exception checking.


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