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[cp-patches] FYI: Container fix

From: Roman Kennke
Subject: [cp-patches] FYI: Container fix
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 18:43:32 +0100


I'm checking this in on behalf of Ingo Prötel. Basically this makes
Container.visitChild more safe by protecting the Graphics context from
beeing irrevocably changed by the child component. This is similar to
what we do in Swing's painting mechanism and it actually does matter a
little even in Swing when the painting is triggered by the AWT, because
then the painting first goes through the Container painting, before
jumping into the Swing painting mechanism.

(I'll check in an optimization for GtkGraphics.create() soon which will
dramatically reduce creation of Graphics objects while painting (from
O(n^2) to O(n) with n beeing the depth of the component hierarchy), so
the performance overhead for Graphics.create() gets minimized.)

Cheers, Roman

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