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compiling without japhar

From: Brian Jones
Subject: compiling without japhar
Date: 10 Dec 2000 23:54:44 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) Emacs/20.7

So tonight I tested compilation without Japhar and have found only a
couple of problems.

1) checks to make sure a user has configured for either
   kaffe or japhar have been disabled just now in CVS.
2) change whatever jni.h you have to contain the following two defines
   (temporary measure until I figured out what to do with this)

   #define JNIEXPORT
   #define JNICALL

3) some .c files reference NULL, but do not include stddef.h.
4) any other errors I've not yet encountered

I've chosen not to work to rectify (2) or (3) tonight as they will
take some time.  Would someone else like to fix this?  Japhar is using
ltdl and defines JNIEXPORT/JNICALL as follows in their jni.h.  Maybe
Kaffe does something different... should we then define these things
ourselves based on whatever, if any, VM we are configured for and use
our VM-agnostic names instead?  For (3) it seems like we should
#include some config.h like file in every .c file.

#ifdef _WINDOWS
#define JNIEXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
#define JNICALL __cdecl
#  define JNIEXPORT
#  define JNICALL

How do I configure then without Japhar you ask?

./configure --prefix=/tmp/classpath --with-jikes

Note: javah from Sun cannot handle it's own java.lang.Throwable class
(it barfs on their class as well as ours), so I've switched to gcjh
for now with the hope to one day compile classpath with
classpath... but we're not there yet.

Brian Jones <address@hidden>

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