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Classpath future?

From: Etienne M. Gagnon
Subject: Classpath future?
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 09:35:25 -0400
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I have some questions about the future of Classpath. Maybe this is not the right place to ask such questions (and get answers); please point me in the right direction if so.

It is my impression that since the Classpath/libgcj merge, most efforts have been deployed on the libgcj side (most probably because most active developers are working mainly on the gcj project). But, more importantly, it seems that a shift happened in the objectives of the Classpath project (please correct me if I'm wrong). Originally, Classpath was meant as a Free replacement for the proprietary Java class libraries, targetting as many Free VMs as possible (but initially, for technical reasons, Japhar). This seems to have shifted to make Classpath mainly a library provider for the gcj project, while accomodating other VMs only if this requires a minimal effort on top of the gcj work. Is this so? Or, is supporting as many Free VMs still a fundamental objective of Classpath?

On the technical side: Classpath cannot be both gcj specific (e.g. CNI) and compatible with other Free VMs without duplicating efforts to support JNI: (1) It is unreasonible to require VMs to be CNI compatible: e.g. CNI, because it gives direct access to fields, is incompatible with precise garbage collection schemes, or bidirectional object layout, etc. (2) It is pretty difficult (if not impossible) to make a good CNI->JNI code converter, and even if such a thing was built, I doubt it would make an optimal use of JNI (by caching MethodIDs and FieldIDs). And, as I pointed in an earlier message, it seems overkill to encode a few short methods in C++.

So, the question is: what future direction is the Classpath project taking?

I think it is OK if the Classpath project decides to mostly be "libgcj". In that case, maybe it should say so on its web pages, and then simply drop completely any C/JNI native support in favor of CNI. If this is the case, I am ready to get involved in starting a parrallel project, based on the Classpath code base, that would dedicate itself to be a library provider for as many Free VMs out there.

If the Classpath project decides, instead, that supporting as many Free VMs is the goal, they should then question whether writing native code targetting a single environment (CNI) is really appropriate. I'm not saying CNI should be completely dropped, I'm just saying it should probably be done under the gcj project, instead of Classpath, so that the Classpath code base remains consistent for as many VMs as possible.

And finally, there are some lingering issues... I am ready to contribute code, patches and bug fixes to the Classpath project, but, like many others (I'm sure), I am not willing to go all the way to assign my code to the FSF (I and my university, will defend my rights under copyright law, here in Quebec/Canada). I would also like to license my code under the LGPL, because it is not my objective to allow RedHat or other companies to use my code without the few additional restrictions of the LGPL over that of the GPL+Exception currently in use in Classpath. [In fact, this whole licensing issue is probably one of the reasons for the sorry state of the awt support, and the very slow progression of Classpath over that last couple of years.] Do you have any plans to relax your licensing rules? (In a parrallel project, I would relax them, while keeping the "clean-room" status).

Again, please direct me in the right direction if this is the wrong forum (or person) to ask.



PS:It would have been nice to get a reply to my message(s) on the JNI/CNI issue. Please feel free to do so. I won't bite;-)
| Étienne M. Gagnon                    mailto:address@hidden |
| Professeur adjoint            Téléphone: (514) 987-3000 poste 8215 |
| Bureau: PK-4930                        Télécopieur: (514) 987-8477 |
| Département d'informatique, UQÀM |
| Auteur de SableVM                 |
| et de SableCC                     |
| Etienne M. Gagnon                    mailto:address@hidden |
| Assistant Professor                Phone: (514) 987-3000 ext. 8215 |
| Office: PK-4930                                Fax: (514) 987-8477 |
| Department of Computer Science, UQAM |
| Author of SableVM                 |
| and SableCC                       |

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