Made install directory /mnt/dev/freshinst Fetched classpath CVS Fetched kissme CVS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bapli% aclocal; autoheader; automake; autoconf /mnt/dev/freshkiss/classpath/classpath WARNING: Using auxiliary files such as `acconfig.h', `' WARNING: and `', to define templates for `' WARNING: is deprecated and discouraged. WARNING: Using the third argument of `AC_DEFINE' and WARNING: `AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED' allows to define a template without WARNING: `acconfig.h': WARNING: AC_DEFINE([NEED_MAIN], 1, WARNING: [Define if a function `main' is needed.]) WARNING: More sophisticated templates can also be produced, see the WARNING: documentation. warning: do not use m4_patsubst: use patsubst or m4_bpatsubst warning: do not use m4_regexp: use regexp or m4_bregexp autoheader2.50: `include/' is created -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./configure --enable-jni --prefix=/mnt/dev/freshinst --with-jikes Jikes version: (debian 1.15-2) Version 1.15 - 26 Sept 2001 bapli% gcc -v Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.4/specs gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease) make make install -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kissme build: make jikes -classpath /mnt/dev/freshinst/share/classpath/ `find classes/{java,gnu,plava,jos} -name '*.java'` LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/dev/freshinst/lib/classpath/ ./kissme -bootclasspath classes:/mnt/dev/freshkiss/classpath/classpath/lib someclass